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  1. pdludbrooke

    My Cycle In My 105 Litre Tank Is Nearly Compleate,i Need Help With The

    I've deleted what I can't have so far, so can I have any of the following ? scissor tails guppies (blue) praecox rainbows Lace Gourami indian giant gourami Serpae gold panchax botia kubotia kribensis siamese flying fox This is a list of what I liked, please can you recommend which ones will go...
  2. pdludbrooke

    The Moment Has Arrived

  3. pdludbrooke

    My Cycle In My 105 Litre Tank Is Nearly Compleate,i Need Help With The

    My cycle is nearly complete, this is the first time I have kept tropical fish, I was lucky enough to have found this site and learn about the fishless cycle, but now I have come to the next problem and learning curve, what fish to get ???? I want to have plants and am going to do what Tizer has...
  4. pdludbrooke

    Help With Stocking My 105 Litre Tank

    ok will do, Thanks, I'll post a list and get feedback, thanks again!
  5. 2.jpg


  6. pdludbrooke

    Help With Stocking My 105 Litre Tank

    My cycle is nearly complete, this is the first time I have kept tropical fish, I was lucky enough to have found this site and learn about the fishless cycle, but now I have come to the next problem and learning curve, what fish to get ???? I want to have plants and am going to do what Tizer has...
  7. pdludbrooke

    Help !

    Have you worked out what caused your cycle to stall/stop yet ?
  8. pdludbrooke

    Internal Filter Question...

    I just went and bought a new Fluval U3 today to replace my Fluval U2 (bought second hand) as the out put flow was not as powerful as I wanted. I used the U2 in a 105 litre tank, I would go for the U3 it's not that much bigger,it has a much more powerful flow out put and lots of space for media...
  9. pdludbrooke

    Advice And Help Needed Please.

    Cheers Oldman47 :) I thought I was writing the correct thing, still learning.
  10. pdludbrooke

    Advice And Help Needed Please.

    I'm no expert here either, but the water you put in the tank needs to be dechlorinated. I really feel for you. Someone else will reply soon, there are some lovely people on here with great knowledge and advice, so you have come to the right place Good luck!
  11. pdludbrooke

    Black Sand

    Hi, try "all ponds solutions" online, they sell it cheaper than LFS. Free delivery too.
  12. pdludbrooke

    Fishless Cycle Starting Today

    Yes, please let me know how you get on, and Congrats!!! Oh, and don't forget to lower the temperature of your heater :)
  13. pdludbrooke

    Fishless Cycle Starting Today

    Thanks, I was interested because near the beginning of your post another person posted a method aboat adding a little fish food and keeping the nitrites down with water changes etc They said the cycle would would take 3 weeks max ??? I was going to try it, but then saw oldman47 comment, so I...
  14. pdludbrooke

    Fishless Cycle Starting Today

    Hi I have been keeping an eye on your thread, what method did you use to do your fishless cycle ? You seem to have well over taken me in the time scale your cycle has taken. I started my cycle back in March 17th I think and am just now starting to get a drop in nitrites, did you use a donation...
  15. pdludbrooke

    Fishless Cycle Blues

    Did you make sure your new tank water was the same temperature as the old ? And dechlorinate before adding, I'm not sure what size tank you have ?? Mine are 100 Litre each, I bought two 50 litre container things which I fill up directly from the hot and cold tap, I treat the water and let it mix...
  16. pdludbrooke

    Fishless Cycle Blues

    I'm with you in the waiting game, my 2 tanks have been cycling for 4 and 6 weeks now, I have no drop in my nitrites at seems like forever...........I have even ordered myself some adventure games off ebay to play on my pc to keep busy, all I want is to see some life swimming...
  17. pdludbrooke

    First 4 Ppm Of Ammonia Wont Go !

    I had nitrite spike, dosing 2ppm of ammonia now after big water change is this correct ? Ammonia is gone so quick after dosing 6 hours ago
  18. pdludbrooke

    I Need Some Help With Fishless Cycle Ammonia Dose

    As I understand it now, you don't need to do any water change untill the nitrites effect your PH.
  19. pdludbrooke

    My First Casualty :(

    You will need to keep the filter media of the new tank wet, preferably with the water from that tank (so long as that filter is cycled) I'm guessing your new tank will be bigger!
  20. pdludbrooke

    4.0 Ammonia

    I'm passing week 4 or was it 5, what annoys me is in the fishless cycle instructions it takes only 4 weeks or less
  21. pdludbrooke

    Buying Second Hand Tank With Fish...

    It does look small ??? I think it looks small because it's sitting on a cabinet with huge draws, photoes of tanks don't show their true beauty, I hope it's a good buy.
  22. pdludbrooke

    Which Internal Filter For Rena 60L ?

    I use a Fluval U2, it is silent and I mean silent!! It has 3 settings too, the top spout with venturi (noisy) middle buit in vertical spraybar and bottom spout. It has a cage in the middle for ceramic rings and before that carbon/fine filter bit (I don't use these as have to replace every 6...
  23. pdludbrooke

    What Stage Is My Fishless Cycle At?

    Hi there, I am in a fishless cycle I am guessing you are too ? I have very high nitrAtes 40ppm from my tap and my cycle is going well (I did do a water change when my Nitrates went off the chart eg drops turn purple as soon as added to the water sample) I started from scratch and am about 4...
  24. pdludbrooke

    Effect Of Blue Light On Fw Tank.

    I'd like to see a photo with the other lights off and just the LED's, I would only use them at night instead of complete darknesss
  25. pdludbrooke

    Not Sure What Stage My Cycling Is At, Can Anyone Help

    I think they are adding flake as they don't have ammonia, the food will eventually turn in to ammonia or cause ammonia as it gets old.
  26. pdludbrooke

    4Th Week In Fishless Cycle Help With Nitrate Reading

    I'm going to have to get some plants, my nitrAtes from tap are 37 ppm according to the water company and 40ppm from API test kit, but, I am still a bit at a miss, as I checked 1 week after I started my cycle in the first tank for nitrAtes and they were still the same as my tap, now 4 weeks along...
  27. pdludbrooke

    4Th Week In Fishless Cycle Help With Nitrate Reading

    using API test kit and Trust me I banged that bottle 2, and have just tested again with another tank I am cycling 2 weeks in, the test results are the same, both tank water have 20 ppm nitrAtes and tap water is 40 ppm, is it the seachem reducing the NitrAtes ?
  28. pdludbrooke

    Not Sure What Stage My Cycling Is At, Can Anyone Help

    I think you mean't nitrAte ? You need to bang that bottle 2 on a table several times as you shake it.
  29. pdludbrooke

    4Th Week In Fishless Cycle Help With Nitrate Reading

    I am in my 4th week, my ammonia is being gobbled up in 12 hours no probs, haven't seen the nitrIte go down at all yet, done several water changes inbetween, my question and ask for help is to do with nitrAte, I checked today my tap water and tank readings are Tap = 40ppm and Tank 20ppm ?? I have...
  30. pdludbrooke

    Fishless Cycle Starting Today

    Hi I was doing a normal fishless cycle, I saw your method for 21 days and am now trying it, I have had to do 2 90 % water changes to get my nitrite down, I hope it works, thanks
  31. pdludbrooke

    Can I Use Hot Water From My Tap To Change Water ?

    I memeber on here wrote the following I was running by what he said which follows........ Here's the Prime Ordeal 21 day max (fishless) method for completeness: DO NOT add any additives to the tank (e.g. commercial pH adjusters, sludge busters etc.) Remove or turn off any UV sources (like the...
  32. pdludbrooke

    Can I Use Hot Water From My Tap To Change Water ?

    I have very very high Nitrites in my tank water during my fishless cycle, I wanted to change the water so I did using a kettle to heat the wayer to do a water change, but even though I did a 90% water change my nitrItes ar still off the chart, is it safe to use the hot water provided from my tap...
  33. pdludbrooke

    I Couldn't Help It!

    Glad to have read what you have done for this fish, brought a tear to my eye, wonderful human being!
  34. pdludbrooke

    Fishless Cycle - Missing Nitrates

    YES SHAKE THE SECOND BOTTLE AND BANG IT HARD AGAINST A TABLE ABOUT 10-20 TIMES WHILE YOU SHAKE :nod: FOR 1 MINUTE,I had false readings too for NitrAtes, after really clobbering the bottle I got a true reading.