Fishless Cycle Blues


Dec 18, 2011
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Rowley Regis near Birmingham UK
I'm gutted! I can't tell you. Just did a nitrite test. I did a test this morning and nitrites 0.3. Tonight bright magenta - 3.0. Massive spike! Why oh why after all this time - 8 WEEKS??? Did big water change yesterday - fully dechlorinated. Otherwise feeding ammonia as usual - that continues to go down very quickly. Feel like chucking in the towel! :crazy:

I can only think that the water change has been the cause. Nothing else has changed. Any thoughts out here?
I'm gutted! I can't tell you. Just did a nitrite test. I did a test this morning and nitrites 0.3. Tonight bright magenta - 3.0. Massive spike! Why oh why after all this time - 8 WEEKS??? Did big water change yesterday - fully dechlorinated. Otherwise feeding ammonia as usual - that continues to go down very quickly. Feel like chucking in the towel! :crazy:

I can only think that the water change has been the cause. Nothing else has changed. Any thoughts out here?
it may be that your filter is now able to deal with the ammonia level added and is now at the stage where it needs to get the nitrite levels under control. your bacteria grown to remove the ammonia have successfully done their part but the next step in the cycle is to be able to control the nitrite levels. the bacteria needed to do this wont be present until the nitrite is introduced into the water.

what else has happened over the last 8 weeks?
Thanks. I've been adding ammonia for 8 weeks on Thursday. Only one previous water change before yesterday's. Ammonia has steadily been dealt with and nitrites were going down very nicely until tonight.
The water change maybe stalled your bacteria for a short time. A change in PH and temperature can do this.
what temp and pH is your tank at? higher temps and Ph tanks will normally cycle a bit faster.

there shouldnt really be any need fror a water change until the nitrates go off the scale tbh.

stay patient you are doing the cycle the right way by not harming any fish in the process. also you will be able to stock the tank to the ammonia levels added during the cycle. if thats been 4ppm which seems to be the suggested rate then a fully stocked tank will be yours....... (once cycled of coures)
Keep up the good work, my fishless cycle took nearly 12 weeks so it is n ot just you.

Have you been monitoring your pH levels at all? It's very common for a drop in pH during a cycle which can bring the process to slow down considerably.
Higher pH water will normally cycle a filter faster as will a warmer tank.
PH goes from about 7.5 up to 8 when I first add the ammonia and back down again. Temp has been set at 80 for two weeks now. I think the the big water change was a bit of a mistake. Tonight's nitrite test looks a bit less pink than this morning but it may be the big glass of wine that's clouding my vision. Sleep tight and thanks for your suggestions.
We've certainly had many cases of very long fishless cycles over the years. Don't feel alone. Sounds like you are doing the right things. Having difficulties during fishless cycling helps to make you a better observer of your tank chemistry over the coming years and a better fishkeeper.

PH goes from about 7.5 up to 8 when I first add the ammonia and back down again. Temp has been set at 80 for two weeks now. I think the the big water change was a bit of a mistake. Tonight's nitrite test looks a bit less pink than this morning but it may be the big glass of wine that's clouding my vision. Sleep tight and thanks for your suggestions.
I'm with you in the waiting game, my 2 tanks have been cycling for 4 and 6 weeks now, I have no drop in my nitrites at seems like forever...........I have even ordered myself some adventure games off ebay to play on my pc to keep busy, all I want is to see some life swimming around my tanks to make my living room feel alive....ahhhhh

Stick with it mate, your not alone!!!
PH goes from about 7.5 up to 8 when I first add the ammonia and back down again. Temp has been set at 80 for two weeks now. I think the the big water change was a bit of a mistake. Tonight's nitrite test looks a bit less pink than this morning but it may be the big glass of wine that's clouding my vision. Sleep tight and thanks for your suggestions.
Did you make sure your new tank water was the same temperature as the old ? And dechlorinate before adding, I'm not sure what size tank you have ?? Mine are 100 Litre each, I bought two 50 litre container things which I fill up directly from the hot and cold tap, I treat the water and let it mix with a spare power head in there, while I empty the tank I am doing the water change on, then add from the container using a hose and another power head.

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