Advice And Help Needed Please.


Fish Fanatic
May 4, 2012
Reaction score
UK, London
Ok i posted the following in my welcome thread but realised it wasn't much good in there and would not get the attention it or i need lol.

So here it is.

I have just purchased a tank with everything in it. It has 4 fish (what type i do not no).

The reason i have come here is to get help and advice and then hopefully pass things on to help others in the future.

My story: My little boy had a sponge bob square pants fish tank with 1 goldfish. The pump broke on it around 7 weeks ago and i never got a new one, Recently the tank became green and murky, I took the water out and cleaned the tank 3 or 4 times but it just kept getting dirty every week or so. I forgot to change it one week and the gold fish died. I presume it was because i did not clean the tank out, My little boy was devastated and blamed me for the fish dying. I felt really bad and planed to buy him another in the future when we got a pump for the little tank.

The day after i was looking on ebay and come across a tank with everything in it. The perfect set up to start off with. Here is the description from ebay:


I'm selling my 68L tropical fish tank with 4 fish.

Included is:

-Fish tank

-4 large tropical fish




-Two bits of wood

-Magnetic glass cleaner

Everthing needed to start up your own tropical fish tank

It was currently on 13pounds, In the end i got it for 20 and it is looking like a bargain. It was 7 miles up the road so easy to pick up, Anyway when i went to pick it up they emptied the water and put the fish into a bowl. I know nothing about fish (hence why i am here) and did the following, Once i got home i set the tank up and filled it with cold water from the tap. I put the heater and pump in and left these on for half a hour as i was due to go to work and knew i could not leave the 4 fish in a small pot until i arrived home later. After 30 mins i put the fish into the tank, They didn't seem too happy and didn't move about much. They were bumping into things and swimming sideways for a while, I panicked and thought the water is too cold. Dipping my fingers in the water and it was very cold, I wasn't sure what the temp was supposed to be as i know nothing about it but i guessed it was way too cold and could maybe numbing the fish so they could not swim properly. I removed 3 or 4 small buckets of water and mixed in some warm water and went off to work. 8 Hours later i expected to maybe find some dead but they were all swimming around well and the tank was much warmer as the heater had now done its job. So this was yesterday and now they seem fine, They are swimming around well and look happy. I am guessing i did the whole setting up of the tank wrong and ask for any help, tips or any pointers on things i did wrong so next time i know what to do. I have read on the forum about testing for stuff and leaving the water in the tank for days before adding the fish, but the tank was running when i picked it up so really it was only like changing the water.

I have a picture of the tank and will add it to this post asap. For 20 pounds i didn't think it was a bad deal at all.

Now i will post in the forum and add pics to get help with this project as i know nothing about how to look after tropical fish, I don't even know what fish i have lol so hopefully people here can help.

Thanks for reading



Ok i have a few pics here.

This is the tank i bought for 20 pounds with everything in it.


Ok first the fish.

This fish is kind of shy, Every time i go up to the tank he swims away and hides. I can hear and see him from my couch digging in the stones and he buries himself into the stones. Can anyone help me with info on this fish.


This is the back end of him

This is another fish



This is how i have my pump set up, Is this correct.


And this is how i have the heater is this correct.


It also has a light fitted into the hood but i can't get it to work.


There is a timer to set but i am not sure how to set the timer, Also if you look the on\off button is missing. Does this mean i cannot use the light.

Hopefully someone can help with my questions. Thanks for reading.

The tank is a Tropiquerium 68.

Thanks again.

Any help or advice would be much appreciated thanks.
Hello, Chris.

Okay, I'm no pro but based on the mistakes I've made and the advice I've got from here, I'll try help. :good:

The first thing I'd do is read this:

This has all the basic starting knowledge, specifically read about "cycling".

You don't seem to have used conditioner/de-chlorinator on the water you filled up the tank with, so I'm guessing if there was any bacteria in the water, it would be gone.

This is what I'd do (fishless cycle):

1. Take the fish to a LFS store and trade them in and buy some de-chlorinator and a master freshwater test kit by API. (The fish don't look suitable for that size tank but that will need to be confirmed by someone else)
2. Buy some ammonia.
3. Empty the tank and clean it with water. Do not use any cleaning products, just use warm water and scrub the tank a bit.
4. Re fill the tank with the equipment fully submerged. I usually fill my tanks leaving an inch or 2 from the top. Set the thermometer to 25c. And add 4ml of ammonia.
5. Now wait. This time is useful for browsing and researching fish to see which ones which will suit your tank size. Just off the top of my head, good starter fish are platys, guppies, tetras, siamese fighters. (Be careful where you research though, some places are not very good for information like a LFS. haha) Also if you find fish you like, you can then set the temperature to the fish you want to keep.

This is my first time helping but anyone else feel free to correct me. :)
OK thanks for the help and tips.

I have really no clue about anything regarding fish, Or fish talk.

I will read the beginners guieds and if there is still questions i need answers to i will post up here.

Others please feel free to add your input and try help me. Thanks.

I didn't really want to trade the fish in as my boy is very pleased with them and especially likes the one that digs in the stones. But i have noticed it chases the others around the tank from time to time. I don't know what fish it is or if it should even be in there with them ones.
No worries. :)

It looks like some sort of african cichlid which should be kept in a cichlid only tank. I kept 3 african cichlids before in a 120L but thats rather on the small side. Cichlids are territorial so they need lots of space and lots of caves. The ones I stated are peaceful and will do well in a 68L.

Just a warning, keeping them in an uncycled tank may kill them due to ammonia poisoning or they may kill each other due to the small space. Fishless cycling is very popular here and is always recommended. I lost a lot of fish (£100 worth of fish) till I read about cycling and researched my fish. Just a recommendation for saving time, money and fish's lives. :)

Good luck. :good:
Hi Chris7, I'm sure one of the experienced fishkeepers here will be helping you any time now, but time is probably of the essence where your fish are concerned. I feel pretty confident saying that they are incompatible and unsuitable for your tank size, and that possibly as a life-saving favour to them you should try to relocate them...perhaps if you think of the consequences of your lad seeing more dead fish in the lovely new set-up you have there? It would likely put him off the entire idea of having fish, and a big shame that would be.

Hope you can get the advice you need soon. (local fish shops are normally open on sundays btw!)
Hi JDs4me, So your saying my tank is too small for the fish.

They seem to have much room to swim around and i only have 4 in there. the tank is 67cm long and 40cm high.

If i explain to my boy he will understand but don't want to take them away if they will be alright.

I am going to try do a test on the water, My friend had a small test kit.

I will post the results up asap.
I just sent a message to the people i bought the tank from and they say the fish have been in there for at least 3 years.

So i am guessing they are fine in the tank.
ok i have done a PH test and a Nitrite test as i got these from a friend.

the PH test gave me a light green colour and the nitrite test gave me a light pink colour.

I am not sure what levels they are can someone help please.

Also i have noticed two of the fish spending most of there time at the top of the water, is this normal.
Chris let's keep it simple. Use the same dechlorinator you once used for your goldfish when you did water changes. That will remove any chlorine stress from your new stocking. If you were like many people you did not know to use a dechlorinator for the goldfish and, as tough as they are, they just survived anyway. You will definitely want to use a dechlorinator with tropicals.

If you did not completely clean out that new filter and replace the filter media, it will already be cycled, which is a big plus for your fish. With the fish I see in your pictures, I would start out trying to hold water temperature around 25C. That is a compromise that would work fine with those fish.

Goldfish food tends to be very high in vegetable matter and not very high in protein so maybe it would be best to get some tropical fish food, but your fish will do fine using the goldfish food until you have a chance to buy new.

Unless you are able to test your tank water, do 25% weekly water changes with proper dechlorination and things should work out fine.
ok i have done a PH test and a Nitrite test as i got these from a friend.

the PH test gave me a light green colour and the nitrite test gave me a light pink colour.

I am not sure what levels they are can someone help please.

Also i have noticed two of the fish spending most of there time at the top of the water, is this normal.
I'm no expert here either, but the water you put in the tank needs to be dechlorinated. I really feel for you.
Someone else will reply soon, there are some lovely people on here with great knowledge and advice, so you have come to the right place Good luck!
Chlorinated water will not kill off a filter that is properly established pdludbrooke, but it can do in your fish.
If you are using the API liquid type test, a light pink nitrite is probably around 0.25 ppm and a water change is in order. The test kit color charts are located here.
Chlorinated water will not kill off a filter that is properly established pdludbrooke, but it can do in your fish.
If you are using the API liquid type test, a light pink nitrite is probably around 0.25 ppm and a water change is in order. The test kit color charts are located here.
Cheers Oldman47 :)
I thought I was writing the correct thing, still learning.
Chris let's keep it simple. Use the same dechlorinator you once used for your goldfish when you did water changes. That will remove any chlorine stress from your new stocking. If you were like many people you did not know to use a dechlorinator for the goldfish and, as tough as they are, they just survived anyway. You will definitely want to use a dechlorinator with tropicals.

If you did not completely clean out that new filter and replace the filter media, it will already be cycled, which is a big plus for your fish. With the fish I see in your pictures, I would start out trying to hold water temperature around 25C. That is a compromise that would work fine with those fish.

Goldfish food tends to be very high in vegetable matter and not very high in protein so maybe it would be best to get some tropical fish food, but your fish will do fine using the goldfish food until you have a chance to buy new.

Unless you are able to test your tank water, do 25% weekly water changes with proper dechlorination and things should work out fine.

Thanks for your reply. The only thing i used for the goldfish is goldfish aquarium cleaner, it says it breaks down waste and helps keep the tank clean. So i am guessing i need to get some dechlorinator. I didn't clean out the filter and there was still about 2 inches of water left in the bottom with the stones also that might help. I have been giving them little goldfish food to get rid of it but i had some food given to me when i bought them some tetra wafermix. Just another quick question on that, How many times should i be feeding them. It says 2 or 3 times a day on the packet but i thought this was a little too much as i have over feed fish in the past.

Thanks again for your help oldman.

ok i have done a PH test and a Nitrite test as i got these from a friend.

the PH test gave me a light green colour and the nitrite test gave me a light pink colour.

I am not sure what levels they are can someone help please.

Also i have noticed two of the fish spending most of there time at the top of the water, is this normal.
I'm no expert here either, but the water you put in the tank needs to be dechlorinated. I really feel for you.
Someone else will reply soon, there are some lovely people on here with great knowledge and advice, so you have come to the right place Good luck!

Thanks for your reply. Every little helps :) and as you can see i need all the help i can get atm.

Chlorinated water will not kill off a filter that is properly established pdludbrooke, but it can do in your fish.
If you are using the API liquid type test, a light pink nitrite is probably around 0.25 ppm and a water change is in order. The test kit color charts are located here.

I am using a colombo NO2 test only. I got it from a friend, I will need to buy myself a propper test kit asap.

With the water change do i just take out 25% of the water and refill with the water from the tap. How does this help as the water came from the tap anyway. Is it possible to use rain water or something as my friend said it might help.
First you unplug the heater and filter then do a simple drain and refill with temperature matched dechlorinated water. There are lots of dechlorinator brands available. I use Prime but lots of people use other brands. I am a cheapskate and Prime is very economical to actually use although it costs more when first purchased. Most often the dechlorinator will be called something like water conditioner, not dechlorinator. Just read the label for the functions of the conditioner.
OK, quite a big change today.

I needed to move my fish tank as i didn't set it up in the correct place (according to my wife) so i had to remove all the water to move the tank.

I kept all the water in buckets and removed the fish. I then dug around in the stones at the bottom and there was a lot of dirt and muck in there and it clouded the water loads so i took all the stones and dirty water out. I cleaned the stones off and put them back in.

Now today i bought a new aquarium start up kit which contained some Fresh Start it says it conditions tap water by removing toxic chlorine and heavy metals. It adds a natural collide which protects fishes delicate skin and gill membranes. Thoughts on this please.

I also got some Filter Start with it, This is a bacteria culture, which helps rapidly start up the waste breakdown process in the filter. Thoughts on this please.

It also gave me a test kit for pH and Nitrite. The pH gave me a light blue colour which on the colour code says 7.5 and is ideal for most fish, Is this correct. The Nitrite test came back dark red or pink which on the colour code is 1.5mg and it says filter bacteria not yet established keep adding filter start.

So i put the old water back in and mixed in the required filter start and fresh start. As i still don't know what i am doing can i get some feedback on this please.

Any help or advice is again much appreciated.


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