The Moment Has Arrived

Teacher Martyn

Fish Fanatic
Apr 11, 2012
Reaction score
Hastings, East Sussex, England.
The moment seems to have come to enjoy my tank.

Cycling went well apart from some bacterial bloom, tanins and the mysterious white slime.

Some plants failed on me. In went some fish - 6 silver-tip tetras and 3 cherry barbs. A few weeks later - 2 angels.

Then along came ich. Treated that.

Decided I fancied moving to external filtration and in a matter of days had done so. The change went really smoothly.

So-called peaceful silver-tips started to kick off and tank became a daily war zone so I bought two more following advice that this would calm them down.

Waited ages to do first water change following ich treatment. Finally, was able to do it today.

And, RELAX. :nod:

Water crystal clear. Fish in harmony. Filtration amazing. Fish all coloured-up and vibrant (one of the female silver-tips has changed colour so much she's practically a new species).

I never thought this moment would come. And by golly this forum's been a great help in getting there.
The moment seems to have come to enjoy my tank.

Cycling went well apart from some bacterial bloom, tanins and the mysterious white slime.

Some plants failed on me. In went some fish - 6 silver-tip tetras and 3 cherry barbs. A few weeks later - 2 angels.

Then along came ich. Treated that.

Decided I fancied moving to external filtration and in a matter of days had done so. The change went really smoothly.

So-called peaceful silver-tips started to kick off and tank became a daily war zone so I bought two more following advice that this would calm them down.

Waited ages to do first water change following ich treatment. Finally, was able to do it today.

And, RELAX. :nod:

Water crystal clear. Fish in harmony. Filtration amazing. Fish all coloured-up and vibrant (one of the female silver-tips has changed colour so much she's practically a new species).

I never thought this moment would come. And by golly this forum's been a great help in getting there.
You do realise that now you've said that, you'll look in the tank tomorrow and find a tetra with a chunk missing out the side of it or an angel floating on the surface . . . ;-)

Seriosuly though, congrats! It's a good feeling when you can just sit ad watch the fish for ages without worrying about them!
I don't have a camera I'm afraid but here's an appalling pic from my phone. It gives a general idea although all the fish are invisible apart from a passing, blurred angel.

Too small. Try again. I'm not good with photo resizing.


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I don't have a camera I'm afraid but here's an appalling pic from my phone. It gives a general idea although all the fish are invisible apart from a passing, blurred angel.

Too small. Try again. I'm not good with photo resizing.

OK TM, your next expense has to be a wee camera (Canon of course!) so we can all enjoy your efforts; that tank looks good! :good:

Must say I really love the look of your tank. Very natural looking.

Must say I really love the look of your tank. Very natural looking.

Thank you. It's a bit overbalanced with cabomba and a few of the plants are experiencing some die-back from originally having the lights on too long but yeah, natural is what I aim for.

My personal taste does not allow for plastic plants or ornaments . Hate them.
Cabomba grows like a weed in my tank. You can always cut it back if need be.

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