What Stage Is My Fishless Cycle At?


New Member
Apr 19, 2012
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Hi yesterday I put in another sponge filtre from my established tank as I was not sure if I had managed to kill off the bacteria that I had put in a week previous, but I am still getting the same readings. Should I be getting different readings by now, either up or down?

PH 8.0
Nitrite 1.0
Nitrate 40 or 80 (can't tell which as these look very similar)
Ammonia 0.6

Should I do a part water change and add more bio solution? Or leave it alone, I don't want to kill the bacteria again, but I am worried that the high levels of Nitrates will cause problems for the bacteria, I think I read that somewhere, is that right?
I have just completed cycling. Ammonia now at 0, nitrites at 0 but nitrates high at about 80+.

As we speak, I am about to do an 80% water change and then, on Monday, I'll get fish. After checking levels again.

I have followed advice on here and did no water changes at all.

I believe you deal with the nitrates at the end of the cycle.
Hi yesterday I put in another sponge filtre from my established tank as I was not sure if I had managed to kill off the bacteria that I had put in a week previous, but I am still getting the same readings. Should I be getting different readings by now, either up or down?

PH 8.0
Nitrite 1.0
Nitrate 40 or 80 (can't tell which as these look very similar)
Ammonia 0.6

Should I do a part water change and add more bio solution? Or leave it alone, I don't want to kill the bacteria again, but I am worried that the high levels of Nitrates will cause problems for the bacteria, I think I read that somewhere, is that right?
Hi there, I am in a fishless cycle I am guessing you are too ?
I have very high nitrAtes 40ppm from my tap and my cycle is going well (I did do a water change when my Nitrates went off the chart eg drops turn purple as soon as added to the water sample) I started from scratch and am about 4 weeks in.

I wouldn't worry about the nitrAtes untill they are so high they cause a drop in your PH your PH of 8 is good, almost ideal for a fishless cycle from what I have learned. My PH is 8.2 which is perfect.

You need to give some more info, when you started your cycle, what you used the first time (the bacteria)

Read up on the following link http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?/topic/113861-fishless-cycling/

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