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  1. AquaJason

    Is My Kribensis Male Or Female?

    Hi I have a kribensis cichlid, suspected male although would like your opinion as I am wanting to breed them. Anyone no how to upload images so I can show you my krib? Cheers
  2. AquaJason

    Blood Parrot

    I agree these fish should not have been hybridized! I got one because i felt sorry for it although now realise by buying it i am only allowing more to be bred. Overall my parrot fish was really shy for months, until i added a severum a month ago and he came out of his shell, use to chase her at...
  3. AquaJason

    Switching To Sand?

    I too am thinking of doing the same,was wondering can you add the sand in the tank with the fish- will it affect the pH etc ? Do you need to cycle the water after sand is added then add fish :/ Thanks
  4. AquaJason

    Male Or Female?

    Thanks guys, that was my suspicion :)
  5. AquaJason

    Blood Parrot Thinks Convict's Eggs Are Hers?

    Your blood parrot sounds like a male, as with most cichlids the male guards the cave and female where as the female protects the eggs inside the cave.
  6. AquaJason

    Male Or Female?

    Finally here are some poor quality images of the green sev i was given a few weeks back, this was the first day in the tank :) need help sexing it though as it has no squiggles on the face although does seem to have pointed fins- can you guys help identify the sex. (approx 4 inch) Thanks
  7. AquaJason

    Identify This Fish

    Yup it looks like a blood parrot to me.
  8. AquaJason

    Honey/gold Gourami Gone White

    Hi, i have the same problem i think :/ my theory is that their a hybrid between a honey and a red gourami which could be why the colouring isnt as vibrant or could be the result of the food, i feed mine flakes produced from the manufacturer 'Aquarian' but got told 'Tetra' is better quality and...
  9. AquaJason

    Will This Be Okay For Now?

    Should be fine, I have seen kribs and rams co-exist happily, although your ram will have a territory within the tank set up so i suggest moving stuff around and just keep an eye out :)hope she gets fit and healthy again!
  10. AquaJason

    Red Severum

    I am saying male due to the pointed dorsal and anal fins which males posses, although I have a green sev female with pointed fins so it isnt an accurate way of sexing! But the spots on its cheeks are very vibrant like that of males but again I cant say so for certain, sorry!
  11. AquaJason

    Wild Redneck Severum

    Hi, truly beautiful fish however i am interested how you posted these images as i would love to post some of mine :) cheers
  12. AquaJason

    Can I Breed Siamese Fighting Fish

    Its possible as long as you do have a large tank for the fry, as soon as the males mature they will get aggressive towards one another! When introducing the female ensure there are lots and lots of hiding places for her as the male will chase her- which is all part of the courtship.
  13. AquaJason

    Red Severum

    Looks more like a male to me, either way it is a really bonnie fish!
  14. AquaJason

    Male Or Female ?

    I would agree, would say female but due to the image quality i cant be certain, sorry.
  15. AquaJason

    How To Upload Image?

    Hi I need help sexing my severum and have some images to upload but dont no how would appreciate some help :)
  16. AquaJason

    New 40 Gal For Convict/parrot

    Hi, I can see how it looks like a white blood parrot but am more convinced it is an albino convict- check some images out on google. Also the likelihood of a parrot cichlid producing fertile eggs/sperm is rather rare although it has bee known :)
  17. AquaJason

    Angels Turning Into Devils

    Anglefish like most cichlids are territorial and show more aggression than non-cichlid species. This aggression does intensify when in pairs especially when breeding- which it sounds like this is the case.
  18. AquaJason

    Sexing Severums

    Thanks guys :) so will males still have the spots even when it is not put in with a female, or are they only vibrant when courting?
  19. AquaJason

    Sexing Severums

    Hi Just got given a green severum(4-5inch) and was wondering how to distinguish its sex if any body knows how to tell their sex, i would love to know :)
  20. AquaJason

    All Fish In One Corner Of Tank

    Hows the tanks temperature? if its too warm the fish will stay at the coolest point in the tank, or is the temperature to cold and they are hovering around the heater to maintain warmth.
  21. AquaJason

    Fish Eggs, Whos Are They?

    I have bred bronze cory and they look very similar,so i would say corys :)
  22. AquaJason

    Introducing Female Kribensis

    Hi I currently have a male kribensis, who is very keen to breed. He has been alone for around 2 years now, how will he react to a female, will they happily co-exist in the tank?
  23. AquaJason

    Really Upset

    Most pet shops sell males with long beautifully coloured fins and females which have short fins and are suppose to be a lot duller. When i first started i bought 3 females, 2 which turned out to be males with short fins, over a period of time people have bred fighting fish to have long fins for...
  24. AquaJason

    Convict Cichlid Behaviour

    Hi, would really like to know some of your personal information on the convict cichlid Do you enjoy them and why Or why dont you like them What makes them a good cichlid Which fish they should be housed with etc. Your personal references please, cheers.
  25. AquaJason

    What Size Fish Tank To Get?

    Hi I am looking to get a new fish tank, I want a large enough tank too possibly house large cichlids such as that of the oscar or severum. Not sure how many gallons they would need on average which is why any advice given would be very helpful.
  26. AquaJason


    Thankyou, It had no stipes, looked rather like the one on the image- is it a sengal?
  27. AquaJason


    Hi I have set my eyes on a bichir at my local pets at home but it doesnt state what species of bichir it is except it grows up to 20cm. I have looked on the internet and the smallest species i saw i think was a sengal which grows upto 30cm. Any ideas what Bichir species i saw? colouration was...
  28. AquaJason

    Rainbow Cichlids

    Hi Saw some rainbow cichlids today at my lfs and would like to know a liitle more about them?
  29. AquaJason

    Parrot Cichlids

  30. AquaJason

    Plant Substrates

    Cheers, :D Cheers, :D
  31. AquaJason

    Plant Substrates

    Cheers,they look exactly like thee ones I have been seeing :)If i decided to grow a carpet of java moss would I still be able to clean the gravel with a gravel pump/filter? Or will it destroy the plant material?
  32. AquaJason

    Plant Substrates

    Hi can any one tell me the names of any plants that are great for covering the bottom of the tank, as a substrate. After watching a few videos on utube their tropical tanks are covered at the bottom in a plant that appears to look like grass. I like the natural look, any suggestions please?
  33. AquaJason

    Can I Keep A Black Moore With Tropical Fish ?

    Not advised as black moors are cold water, plus the Ph and water hardiness is different to that of tropical fish. As black moors have bulging eyes they have a slower reaction to seeing food at the waters surface which will quickly be consumed by your faster moving tropical fish there for the...
  34. AquaJason

    Betta Breading Help

    HI How about putting your male and female together where they can interact, part of the courtship is for the male to chase and unfortunately beat up your female, during this process he will also make a bubble nest! Does the female have ventrical lines on her body as these are signs of breeding...
  35. AquaJason

    Spotted Climbing Perch

    Thanks, that is fab information :D
  36. AquaJason

    Pregnant Guppie?

    I have bred platys and i would imagine there about the same, i would guess anything from up to 48hours, expect a lot of babies but remove her afterwards as she will eat them!
  37. AquaJason

    Spotted Climbing Perch

    MMMMmm thankyou for your help, :)
  38. AquaJason

    Parrot Cichlids

    Not quite sure on tank size am useless at maths although using the converter it seems to be 28lmp gallons although I am getting a new tank later this year. He is in with other fish :/ but no other parrot cichlids
  39. AquaJason

    Spotted Climbing Perch

    Cheerz Just measured out my tank and used the converter on this site it says my tank has 28 lmp.gallons, am guessing still too small to house a juivenille spotted perch Cheerz Just measured out my tank and used the converter on this site it says my tank has 28 lmp.gallons, am guessing still...
  40. AquaJason

    Spotted Climbing Perch

    Well am going to calculate how many gallons my tank has on the next clean out but as for my new tanks size I am not sure about, anything within a £300 budget. Although I do have another tank the same size as the one set up now, but not sure it is needed yet as my angel and parrot fish are still...