Angels Turning Into Devils


Aug 1, 2011
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What's wrong with my angelfish? I bought 2 about a month ago and now they are both defending a corner of the tank and attacking anything which comes close to them. I am thinking that they might be breeding?
Anglefish like most cichlids are territorial and show more aggression than non-cichlid species. This aggression does intensify when in pairs especially when breeding- which it sounds like this is the case.
Sounds like you may have a potential pairing and they're defending their territory. Keep an eye out for them cleaning any vertical surfaces as this is the first signs of them preparing to lay their eggs.
Sounds like you may have a potential pairing and they're defending their territory. Keep an eye out for them cleaning any vertical surfaces as this is the first signs of them preparing to lay their eggs.


Wish mind did this! Think mine are both male or female :(
If they have decided to breed then their ovipositors will be showing by now, the females is thicker and more of a 'tube' and the males is more pointed and thinner.

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