Pregnant Guppie?


New Member
Feb 25, 2011
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I have bought a new guppie and i believe that it may be pregnant because it has a big black spot at the back of her stomach. The stomach is also very large. Could you please have a look and tell me whether or not i should put her in the hatcher.
She may be. If she has been housed with any males over the past couple months, even for a short period of time, then she most likely is. I've kept guppies among other fish for years and the females are literally ALWAYS pregnant. I've given up on breeder boxes now for the most part too. About every 4 weeks they will drop a new batch of fry. I started with something like 3 or 4 guppies years ago, and currently have about 20. Sometimes all the fry get eaten, sometimes I would use adults as feeders for a large tiger oscar. Whatever you choose to do with yours, you will have plenty. I've also read that once they are impregnated once, they can continue to drop new batches of fry several times without needing another male.
Just keep an eye on her. Sometimes I've had females that look like they swallowed a marble and they just wont give birth for days and days, other times I have a female that doesnt even look pregnant and she will have 15 babies out of nowhere. Best of luck.
I bought it on Monday. The man at the shop said that it is most probably pregnant, and it did have a large black spot on it's stomach. I have a male in the tank as well as Angelfish, Danios, and Tetra's. What are the signs that she is about to drop?
I bought it on Monday. The man at the shop said that it is most probably pregnant, and it did have a large black spot on it's stomach. I have a male in the tank as well as Angelfish, Danios, and Tetra's. What are the signs that she is about to drop?

I have bred platys and i would imagine there about the same, i would guess anything from up to 48hours, expect a lot of babies but remove her afterwards as she will eat them!
You will know when the time is near to drop the fry - she will look fit to burst and will take on a square shape!
She doesn't look preggers to me. The large black spot — gravid spot — really doesn't tell you if she's pregnant or not. I have two-week old fry that have the gravid spot already.

If she is pregnant, you'll know she's close when she "squares off" and looks like she's about to burst. The squaring off is the sure sign.

This isn't a good photo, but you can see the shape of this guppy and how square her belly looks.

i thought the same, IF she is pregnant she is only just, as said the dark area is not the best way to tell pregnancies, all my swords have them and only 1 has ever gave birth
Thanks, well i've put it with my male, so if she wasn't pregnant before, she will be now ;)

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