Spotted Climbing Perch


Fish Fanatic
Feb 25, 2011
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Would appreciate advice from anyone who has or has had a spotted climbing perch(Ctenopoma acutirostre) :)
I have saw some for sale and would quite like to purchase one although there are many stories I have read from the internet there fore would like to hear from someone who has a spotted climbing perch!

I have heard they have large mouths:
large enough to eat my bronze corys, dwarf gouramis and black widow tetras?

Secondly it is a climbing perch therefore does its name actually means it can come out of water for a short while(will it try and jump out of the tank) I have heard of another species of climbing perch doing so but not this one, is it true?
Firstly, what is your tank's capacity?

I believe it is 18 Gallons, 22US Gallons, surely large enough to house and juivenille until later on the year when I up grade to a larger tank

So far in my tank I have:
1raninbow shark
1parrot cichlid
4black widow tetras
3dwarf gouramis
1bristle nose plec
1pitbull plec
2bronze corys
1raninbow shark - will get too big for 18gal
1parrot cichlid - will get too big for 18gal
1angelfish - depending on the height of the tank, may also get too big
4black widow tetras
3dwarf gouramis - all males or only one? If all males, expect them to fight, probably to the death
1bristle nose plec
1pitbull plec
2bronze corys - need to be in a group of 6+ to be 'happy'

I'd say your tank is already well overstocked and would advise against getting any more fish for it (regardless of age) and also rehoming those that are too large.

A spottend climbing perch will reach 6 inches. Why not wait until you have that bigger tank before thinking of buying any?
1raninbow shark - will get too big for 18gal
1parrot cichlid - will get too big for 18gal
1angelfish - depending on the height of the tank, may also get too big
4black widow tetras
3dwarf gouramis - all males or only one? If all males, expect them to fight, probably to the death
1bristle nose plec
1pitbull plec
2bronze corys - need to be in a group of 6+ to be 'happy'

I'd say your tank is already well overstocked and would advise against getting any more fish for it (regardless of age) and also rehoming those that are too large.

A spottend climbing perch will reach 6 inches. Why not wait until you have that bigger tank before thinking of buying any?

Purhaps I have not calculated it correctly as a lot of my fish except the parrot cichlid & angelfish are now full size and my tank seems too have a lot of space still :/ as fore the bronze corys yup they do need to be in a larger group but I am getting rid of them, although they are happy still as breeding is still taking place from them!
ZoddyZod has given you the correct advise, I'd recommend listening to him. :good:
What tank are you thinking of upgrading to?
ZoddyZod has given you the correct advise, I'd recommend listening to him. :good:
What tank are you thinking of upgrading to?

Well am going to calculate how many gallons my tank has on the next clean out but as for my new tanks size I am not sure about, anything within a £300 budget. Although I do have another tank the same size as the one set up now, but not sure it is needed yet as my angel and parrot fish are still young/small.
ZoddyZod has given you the correct advise, I'd recommend listening to him. :good:
What tank are you thinking of upgrading to?

Well am going to calculate how many gallons my tank has on the next clean out but as for my new tanks size I am not sure about, anything within a £300 budget. Although I do have another tank the same size as the one set up now, but not sure it is needed yet as my angel and parrot fish are still young/small.
If £300 is your budget, then have a look on ebay. You could get a real bargain there :)
ZoddyZod has given you the correct advise, I'd recommend listening to him. :good:
What tank are you thinking of upgrading to?

Well am going to calculate how many gallons my tank has on the next clean out but as for my new tanks size I am not sure about, anything within a £300 budget. Although I do have another tank the same size as the one set up now, but not sure it is needed yet as my angel and parrot fish are still young/small.
If £300 is your budget, then have a look on ebay. You could get a real bargain there :)

Just measured out my tank and used the converter on this site it says my tank has
28 lmp.gallons, am guessing still too small to house a juivenille spotted perch

ZoddyZod has given you the correct advise, I'd recommend listening to him. :good:
What tank are you thinking of upgrading to?

Well am going to calculate how many gallons my tank has on the next clean out but as for my new tanks size I am not sure about, anything within a £300 budget. Although I do have another tank the same size as the one set up now, but not sure it is needed yet as my angel and parrot fish are still young/small.
If £300 is your budget, then have a look on ebay. You could get a real bargain there :)

Just measured out my tank and used the converter on this site it says my tank has
28 lmp.gallons, am guessing still too small to house a juivenille spotted perch
Just measured out my tank and used the converter on this site it says my tank has
28 lmp.gallons, am guessing still too small to house a juivenille spotted perch

No, even if they grow big (6") they do not demand large tanks since most of the time they are inactive. Saying that, the tank would need to have very few tankmates.
Just measured out my tank and used the converter on this site it says my tank has
28 lmp.gallons, am guessing still too small to house a juivenille spotted perch

No, even if they grow big (6") they do not demand large tanks since most of the time they are inactive. Saying that, the tank would need to have very few tankmates.

MMMMmm thankyou for your help, :)
I have four Ctenopoma acutirostre in my 5-foot tank, three ~6.5cm SL (bought as ~2cm SL babies last summer) and one ~12cm SL that I added to the group in early December (bought for £10, came in as part of a trade-in by someone changing to small fish). It is rare for these fish to reach >14cm SL in the hobby, unlike wild one that often reach ~20cm.

The large one has a huge mouth, he accidentally vacuumed in a whole Hikari algae wafer (~2cm disk) into his mouth last night be fore panicking and luckily forcing it back out within a few seconds! You do not want to house these adult fish with anything torpedo-shaped and <6cm SL. From the list of fish you provided, your Pitbull Plec (LDA25) might be borderline with an adult, I would have thought the Bronze Cories should be ok.

  • Despite being predatory fish, they are quite shy, so you don't want too many fast swimming or aggressive eating fish as tankmates.
  • Many online profiles suggest they need a calm water tank, while only a few suggest their appreciation of current, but I've found my group spend a vast majority of time current surfing in front of my FX5 outlet (~2300lph).
  • They do enjoy perching themselves on the tall artificial plants and bogwood in my tank, it gives them somewhere to carry out their "stalking" nature.
  • Definitely my most interactive fish, they always say "hello" to me when I pop down to the garage and they all start queueing up for food when they see me start moving the insulation layers!
  • My four go bonkers for Doromin and the defrosted bloodworm treats, but they have the odd bit of Tetra Prima.
Tank wise, you could well house one for life in a 3-foot tank, but you would not want to add one to your tank stocking as it stands (as others have said).
I have four Ctenopoma acutirostre in my 5-foot tank, three ~6.5cm SL (bought as ~2cm SL babies last summer) and one ~12cm SL that I added to the group in early December (bought for £10, came in as part of a trade-in by someone changing to small fish). It is rare for these fish to reach >14cm SL in the hobby, unlike wild one that often reach ~20cm.

The large one has a huge mouth, he accidentally vacuumed in a whole Hikari algae wafer (~2cm disk) into his mouth last night be fore panicking and luckily forcing it back out within a few seconds! You do not want to house these adult fish with anything torpedo-shaped and <6cm SL. From the list of fish you provided, your Pitbull Plec (LDA25) might be borderline with an adult, I would have thought the Bronze Cories should be ok.

  • Despite being predatory fish, they are quite shy, so you don't want too many fast swimming or aggressive eating fish as tankmates.
  • Many online profiles suggest they need a calm water tank, while only a few suggest their appreciation of current, but I've found my group spend a vast majority of time current surfing in front of my FX5 outlet (~2300lph).
  • They do enjoy perching themselves on the tall artificial plants and bogwood in my tank, it gives them somewhere to carry out their "stalking" nature.
  • Definitely my most interactive fish, they always say "hello" to me when I pop down to the garage and they all start queueing up for food when they see me start moving the insulation layers!
  • My four go bonkers for Doromin and the defrosted bloodworm treats, but they have the odd bit of Tetra Prima.
Tank wise, you could well house one for life in a 3-foot tank, but you would not want to add one to your tank stocking as it stands (as others have said).

Thanks, that is fab information :D
Im not going to give you any advice on your tank/mates compatibility, im simply going to tell you that this is a fantastic fish, i have an adult one at the moment have had him for over a year now, he lives alongside a variety of (peaceful) fish in my 400 litre tank, and is far from shy, always exloring the tank, coming up to my hand when im re-planting wanting a clap, got a rough texture to the touch, very tame, curious and intelligent fish and by far my favourite, i like them so much i decided to buy 5 juvenile's and house them in another tank, they are growing nicely. Despite what people say my fish has never consumed any tankmates was housed with small swordtails previously and didnt bother them at all, its just a big pussy cat in my opinion that cant even eat a whole prawn let alone a fish. Hope you get to experience this remarkable fish one day

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