Sexing Severums


Fish Fanatic
Feb 25, 2011
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Just got given a green severum(4-5inch) and was wondering how to distinguish its sex

if any body knows how to tell their sex, i would love to know :)
I think the females show more spots and spangles on their face... Don't quote me on this though. :lol:
No it's the opposite. The males have a lot of spots on their faces, cheeks and gill plates. The females don't. However, although this is highly predictive, it is not absolutely foolproof.

The males also tend to be larger and slighthly thinner in body shape than the females.

The very best way of sexing them is by looking at the shape of the vent. Females is larger and rounder. Males is smaller and V-shaped. Do a bit of googling to get some comparison pictures.
Thanks guys :) so will males still have the spots even when it is not put in with a female, or are they only vibrant when courting?

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