Fish Eggs, Whos Are They?


Ohai dere c:
Apr 4, 2011
Reaction score
These are the eggs in question...


they are about a centimetre apart and only a milimetre wide, and yes i measured them.

Here are the possible parents...

7x White Cloud Minnows (3X female, 4x male)

1x pearl danio (not sure but still egglayer)

4x dwarf corydoras (unknown number of males and females, also quite small)
thats what i thought, but the cories are so small that the couldnt get an egg like that out even if they tried! I guess i will have to wait and see what it turns out to be as it grows up...
aha, i just saw the cories planting an egg, dont know where it has gone now as i lost it. will raise the other 2 eggs on the scraper in a trap so i can finish my group of them
I have bred bronze cory and they look very similar,so i would say corys :)
Fish eggs are smaller inside the fish because they contain less water. When they are released from the female, they absorb water and get bigger. I was always amazed at the mass of pleco eggs until somebody wiser and more experienced in these matters explained this to me.
Fish eggs are smaller inside the fish because they contain less water. When they are released from the female, they absorb water and get bigger. I was always amazed at the mass of pleco eggs until somebody wiser and more experienced in these matters explained this to me.

I know the feeling. :lol:
thats awesome if they are cories! i want my cories to breed! it seems they would be easy to sell off since they are so popular
i didnt even condition them or anything, i just gave them plenty of hiding spaces and clean water! These are corydoras hastatus or dwarf cories.
Keep an eye on the eggs, it will probably take 4/5 days to hatch, if it turns white, its infertile. Seeing fish through from eggs to fry is quite hard work. feeding a few lone fry without poluting the water and killing them will be quite tough. lots of info in the dedicated cory forum for you to read for info ;)
thanks tizer, i have some experience as i am currently raising goldfish fry (and trying to sell them as well)

Will have a look

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