looking forward to the next installment
Seffie x
I haven't seen one of those old coal skuttles for years - love em, wish I had one for my coal fire (mind you it only gets lit when we have powercut or at Christmas, shame really
Our wood burner is our heating I am afraid Seffie, it heats the radiators and the hot water (we do have an immersion for summer), must say, have a lot less colds than I used to when I lived in a house with central heating. It means we sit either side of the fire, a sofa each when it is really cold, just hard work lighting it and cleaning it all the time.
Looks great TI. What kind of refuge do you have?
This is a picture of the sump as it is now Ski, the V2 nano will be swapped for my Aquamedic Midiflotor when I can get an air pump, will get a double one so that the other outlet can be used for food cultures. I am working on a home made way of housing the carbon and phosphate removers (inspired by Trucks using a Bubble stop), will be tinkering with that ths week I also have more chaetomorpha on the way. I also need to get a couple of ball valves for the return pipe to control how much flow goes back to the sump and how much via the UV to the tank.
This is the HOB refugium I used on the Nano reef
I have made a decision to use the UV steriliser for about a month after this swap over after reading Ben and Barneys Journals, they both had problems with white spot after they swapped tanks. No way I want to risk leaving my mum to deal with that.
The swap was extremely hard work, I was cream crackered after finishing and did not get my tea till very late. There was stuff everywhere and Andrew really did end up having to help more than I expectd he would. My plumbing was not too bad but if we used the pump without the T-piece, the piping leaked where it joined on to the UV. Andrew sorted this for me by using a 15mm washing machine connector on the return pipe that goes back to the sump.
All in all though, I did the plumbing and am incredibly proud of myself. I have a sump. It does gurgle gurgle swoosh and I actually like it.
After the switch on
Here is Andrews custom UV stand, it fits nicely into the cut out that was already in the shelf in the cabinet.
I had to add another extension lead as I had not allowed for the size of the timers. Does not matter, I need the space up top anyway, will be revealed in due course.
The oolite Aragonite sugar fine sand was a nightmare to wash. I had not got enough RO to wash it as thoroughly as I would have liked, hence the Display has been very very cloudy today. I have still taken some pictures though however I did leave it till tonight before doing so.
Before I show the photos I want to explain what I was trying to achieve. I have been buying back issues of Ultra Marine Magazine from my LFS, in Issue 12 October/November 08 there was an article entitled "A walk on the wild side

art 2" by Simon Garrett. In that article Sanjay Joshi's 500g display tank is shown with just the rocks and then later with corals. I will post that picture and hope as I am attributing it to UM mag and that it is Sanjay's tank I will be OK.
This was my inspiration although it would be on a much smaller scale. I like the way the bommies give all sorts of spaces and conditions for different corals. It also allows you to thik about which coral will go where as you place the rock.
Now, as I was placing very carefully in water that was foggy as these here Lancashire moors, I realised I would not be able to aqquascape the finished article, I do not have enough pieces of rock. Therefore this leaves me having an unfinished scape. I have tried to make the best of that and allow for more rock. The right hand side is too far to the right of the tank, this need moving a little left as the rocks are not fitting together how I know I had them in the Nano, also it means some of the rocks are leaning against the tank and that is not the look I want. This will also give me more scope to stack above. As this tank is deeper than the last, I have raised the corals slightly from the postitions they were in before.
Okay, here is the FTS
The Left Bommie
The leather is in a massive sulk, I really had problems because I could not for the life of me get it off the rock, as a result it got very very little acclimatisation. The polyps have been coming out however it is like a man jumped in cold water

rather than being nice and erect.
The right Bommie
The clowns have gone back to hosting the frogspawn. They do not seem to realise where the Rhodactis are, however the bad crab (spoke to lady in lfs about this) was living just above them, they seemed to recede before I caught the crab, they appear to have fragged themselves and took off round the tank. There are some left but not all over the rock as it was.
Reet onto my purchase from a fellow reefer (mentioned at the end of yesterdays update). I have managed to get hold of a T5 dual 55w power compact ballast and tubes. I just need to wire them. This is why I need space in the unit, that is where the ballast will live. I also need to work out a way to fix them to the hood, can you get reflectors for PC's.
I am presuming with 110w T5 Power comact and 36w actinic T8, I should be able to keep a few SPS aswell.?
Here they are
I went for these as I could not get hold of any Interpet ones.
Hope you like what I have done, will be tinkering with things all week and will keep you informed of how things go.
EDIT - Pressed post instead of preview, needed to finish off.