Queen TI
Thanks Big C
Well what do you know, I exercised my right as a woman and changed my mind. I am going to wait a little while for the Elegance and I will get a Duncan from mail order corals as suggested to me by Big C before (Nano journal I think).
So what do you ask did I come away with?? ahaa, firstly I got another 4 Turbos, will probably need more but I will get them a few at a time.
Secondly, instead of blowing my hard earned pressie (believe me doing anything with Osteoarthritis - yes I now have that caused by trauma injury- is extremely hard work) on just the one coral, I have got 2. Now, we went to the shop that does all soft corals for £23.95 or 2 for £40 and all hard corals £28.95 or 2 for £50. I came away with 2 hard corals that are now acclimatising along with the Turbos (Astreas really). If I had got these anywhere else round here, I could guarantee I would have paid about £60-70 each for them.
What are they??
You will have to wait for the photographs in a couple of hours time
I want these to be a surprise. They really are nice, and I mean NICE.

Well what do you know, I exercised my right as a woman and changed my mind. I am going to wait a little while for the Elegance and I will get a Duncan from mail order corals as suggested to me by Big C before (Nano journal I think).
So what do you ask did I come away with?? ahaa, firstly I got another 4 Turbos, will probably need more but I will get them a few at a time.
Secondly, instead of blowing my hard earned pressie (believe me doing anything with Osteoarthritis - yes I now have that caused by trauma injury- is extremely hard work) on just the one coral, I have got 2. Now, we went to the shop that does all soft corals for £23.95 or 2 for £40 and all hard corals £28.95 or 2 for £50. I came away with 2 hard corals that are now acclimatising along with the Turbos (Astreas really). If I had got these anywhere else round here, I could guarantee I would have paid about £60-70 each for them.
What are they??
You will have to wait for the photographs in a couple of hours time