I wouldnt deworm or anything just to be safe. Local raised are less likely to have issues.Improvements to tank ongoing! Removed 26 young mollies and platies and took them to LFS. Also took five blue platy fry and added them to my own tank for now, want to see how they grow, and might keep a couple myself. Love the blue platies
And since I'd reduced the bioload a lot, I also picked up four locally bred young bronze cories@NCaquatics! He had imported ones in one tank, and locally bred in another, was happy to point them out to me and volunteered which were which before I even asked. I know how lucky I am to have a good LFS!
Just added them to my quarantine tank (12 gallon) after acclimating them, will drop some catfish pellets and an algae wafer in, see if they go for them.
I have not told my dad yet that I got some cories for his tank... LOL. They look healthy and well, going to quarantine them for a while, then might just add them to his tank after he's gone to bed and wait and see how long it takes for him to notice them...It's pretty densely planted, it might be a while! But I don't know how closely he watches when he feeds the tank, and these guys are quite a bit smaller than his two, so he might spot them right away.
@NCaquatics, you don't medicate any cories while quarantining them, do you? Any diseases or behaviours specific to cories I should be looking out for beyond the usual ich, injuries, unusual behaviour type things?
Just watch their barbels when first acclimated. Usually its an issue with wild caughts, but sometimes they're a little more prone to infection if they have any damage to their barbels from the store when newly added to a tank