Plant update! So I wound up buying a lot of plants for this tank, and some for my other tank. Thought I'd do an update on their progress.
Since I've decided to upgrade pygmy cory tank, and later the 36g, I've ended up keeping a bunch of these in their pots, since they seem to be doing fine in those, and I don't want to plant them, get them established, only to uproot them again soon.
Ones still in pots in other tank are:
Lobelia cardinalis
Weeping moss
Anubius barteri coffeefolia
cryptocoryne nevelli
A crypt surprise for £2.99 - Labelled only "mixed crpt, Brown"
and a lucky dip aquarium plant (get a surprise for £1) - Turned out to Echinodus 'Rose'
*Limnophila heterophylla
These are all looking good, no problems!
Murdannia keisak
*Limnophila hippuridoides
*Hygrophila polysperma Rosenervig These three arrived looking a little worse for wear, due to the heat I'm sure. The murdannia doesn't look too bad at all, the other two look a bit worse, but that they could easily recover.
The ones in the 36g tank:
Hyrophilia pinnatifida
Really liking this one, attached it to the top of the cave like piece. The largest leaf actually broke off after a few weeks, but I left it floating and it remained green, despite just being a stem and leaf. So I ended up gluing it to a different piece of wood and moving it to another tank, and it's actually putting out more small leaves on the nodes, so yay! The leaves remaining in the 36g on the big cave piece are still slowly growing.
Myriophyllum mattogrossense
This one was doing pretty well for a while, but is struggling more lately. Possibly from corydora disturbance.
Lilaaeopsis novea-zealandia
Definitely struggled due to cories uprooting it all the time, although the leaves didn't seem to mind too much and remained green, but kept getting uprooted and floating to the top, even though I'd tried gluing it to a mesh buried in the substrate. Still have some I'm going to try glued to mesh in a different tank.
Bolbitis heudelotii
Glued to dragonstone, still looking good! A slow grower so haven't seen much in the way of new growth yet, but it looks healthy and I really like it!
Echinodorus horemanii Green
This one arrived in emersed form, seems to having a hard time getting established and switching to submerged form. We'll see.
Plants from my own tank I transferred;
Smallish unknown species of amazon sword
Having a hard time adjusting as well. Not out for the count yet, but had a lot of rotting roots I had to remove!
Hygophila siamensis 53B
Hanging in there, it's a batch of small-ish trimmings which the cories knock the odd one loose. So hasn't established and really started growing yet.
Cryptocoryne, species unknown but prolific and grows large, tall leaves.
Settling in and growing well, right now I have two patches, one in each back corner, but tempted to remove/move the one on the right hand side to make room for other plants.
Heteranthera Zosterifolia (stargrass)
This is at the back behind the cave wood, and it's settling and growing well! Yay, at least one plant is! lol. Have had to trim the tops and replant them already.
Crinum calamistratum
Lost nearly all it's roots, but hasn't died back yet, so we shall see.
Alternanthera sessilis
Did pretty much as I expected, not looking brilliant, colour faded so it's reddish/brown and while some stems are still there, I don't think I'll be keeping it. Never had luck with alternantheras. Think they really need CO2 to look good and grow well.
Lagenandra meeboldii Red
Man, this one was the worst! So beautiful when it arrived, a deep red load of leaves. Died back pretty quickly, losing leaves and colour fast, stems curling up like a dying spider... it went from looking like this:
To looking like this;
Only now has ever less leaves... I ended up moving it since it was failing fast where it was, and it's related to crypts, so not going to give up on it yet!
Microsorum pteropus sp. Windlov.
It's a java fern, so no issues at all.
Hottonia palustris - Water Violet
Can't even find this one, so I assume it failed.
Aponogeton henkelianus (madagascar lace bulb)
This one is planted behind the cave wood and actually looking pretty good! Fingers crossed.
Moved into tank from another tank when I had an ammonia spike, now have it planted so it doesn't block the light from other plants.
Amazon frogbit is doing well, I might remove a big chunk of it since maybe the other plants would appreciate some more light.
* Water sprite
Arrived today, surprisingly large and tall amount of plant!
*Elodea densa
Looks good, also arrived today, leaving it in the ceramic ring to keep it down.
*Nymphoides hydrophylla Taiwan
Arrived today, in-vitro cup so have removed, rinsed and planted in the sand. I put it in the front for now so I can keep an eye on it/it can get more light.
Whew! That's a lot. Sorry to anyone who read through all that, it's so I can keep track of the planting!