Fish Addict
I'm loving the mandarin Tina, it really is a beautiful fish and I have been eyeing one up for several months now at the lfs but still not sure if to buy it or not as supposed to be hard to look after and keep fed... does yours eat frozen food? and how hard you finding it to keep? i really am seriously considering getting one now after having looked through your journal. I have got a scooter blenny in my tank in my room that i have had for over a year now and they are supposed toi be hard to feed etc but mine eats frozen food out of my hand. it knows exactly what times feeding times are as soon as food goes into the tank it heads straight for it's set feeding spot where i reach onto the tank with some frozen mysis or brineshrimp and feed it directly out of my hand. lovely little fish i must admit!!!
oh and overall your tank is looking really healthy and coming on really well
oh and overall your tank is looking really healthy and coming on really well