Erm, sorry to rain on TMC's parade here, but you need something like twice as many as they recommend to get enough light for what you want. For instance, TMC claim 6 units (about £600 worth of their units) would have given me the equivelant output of my old 150W halide over my 70l reef. Real "end users" of the Aquarays all said, about 12 units (£1200 worth) would be closer the mark, though still a bit less... Now, I don't have a PAR meter, but my LED's have nearly 5X the Lumen's output of my old halide, after throttling back the Blues a bit, and the whole unit, including computer controlled dimming and temperature management cost me about £300 in total... DIY ATM is far out-performing the Aquarays on cost and actual light out-put. Top this off with many Aquaray users recently reporting issues with the PSU's on their units, and you get a joke of an LED system TBF
The new units are supposed to be really good arrays, and equivelant to a halide. They said similar about the current units pre-release. I'm not optimistic. The fact they are Arrays surgests they should have better output, but you have potential for reliability issues unless they have learnt from the first generation, and LED technology has moved on since they announced these units, suggesting that the technology behind them is already "dated". Oh, and TMC's LED's don't have much spread either, they will revolutionise lighting, as you'll have to have all corals an equal distance from each other in a strait line to use them with the recommended number of units, unless you raise them a long way off the tank to widen the beam, but decrease the units power

I thought about Aquarays, but DIY LED's are literally first year of high-school level electronics (i.e. basic) unless you want computer control, they it's second/third year level, and then it's only due to the programming (that's actually far easier Java code on the Arduino board I'm using..). considering the ease of application and the cost savings for better output, really there was little excuse to bother with the Aquarays. I mean heck, some of the cheap Chinese stuff on Ebay is better value for money than the current Aquarays IMO
If you did go DIY computerised LED's, I'd be happy to code the computerised bit for you, just leaving you to do basic electronics and mountings for it
If LED's are off the cards, I'd go the linear T5 route that Ski says though, since you don't want Halides
All the best