I have upped the feeding so far and will continue to do so.
This picture is a happy Caulastrea after feeding last night.
Well, I have some new additions to show you too, first off some corals.
A mushroom I was given free as it was on the underside of a coral I bought, it was free for being a smarty pants over another coral I will show you later.
On first glance it seems to be a spotted Discosoma. Time will tell as it is still quite small at the moment, I am sure it will grow quite rapidly and reproduce just as quick. Besides the Rhodactis it is actually my first mushroom.
Then I went for some Ricordea, remember in the Nano, I was going to have a ric garden but didn't due to space, I finally got a ric.
This one looks as if it has just divided and has not quite finished the process yet. The mushroom was on the underside of this coral, but due to the thin rock it was on, I was able to snap the mushroom part off.
Above was taken soon after introduction to the tank, below was after it had been in the tank a few hrs. Can you see the bright purple tips, I have a feeling this will be a stunner soon.
The next coral is the one I was a little of a smarty pants over. I asked what the coral was, I had a feeling I knew, but wanted to be certain. The reply was a Trachyphyllia, so I asked if it was geoffreyi or radiata, he replied by shrugging his shoulders and saying I don't know. My mum gets so embarrased when I do that, but I like to know what I was buying, I am convinced it is geoffreyi anyway.
On introduction to the tank
After a few hrs in the tank
It does look stunning, Big C I finally went for it, do you remember me asking about yours ages back now??
The final new addition is one I have been waiting months and months for, if you are an avid reader of the journal you may have guessed already what I am about to show you.
After a long motorway journey on Sunday, for me anyway, we went further afield to see if we could find anything that Andrew had not seen before.
Whilst there we found the new addition, can I tease you all any longer, maybe.
I managed to find a really nice male Mandarin Dragonet. He is not as plump as I wanted but does not have a really sunken stomach, his breast bone is not protruding either but I would like more weight on him. He has eaten frozen food and scoures the tank all day for pods, which he is finding every minute or so. I have added conentrated pods I got from Reefphyto to the tank also and have seen him eat them too.
You want a picture now don't you??
Oh well I suppose so.
A little peek maybe
But you really wanted a shot of him with his dorsal fin up didn't you, oh well, its a good job I got that one too then.
Oh and by the way, I called him Mereneptah.
Enough for now.
Hope you enjoyed the piccies and the little bit of teasing.