No unfortunately they were really cheap powerheads. Going to see if I can club bits rom the two together to get one working one for using for mixing or something.
The maxijet was fine, that was my fault, where you twist it back together after cleaning the impellor, I had only locked in one side. Once I clocked that and sorted it, it was fine.
Will keep it for use in the sump somewhere on the big one, its the MJ model not MP so can be used as internal or external pump.
The upgrade will take a while but will be well worth it. Even if the logistics are doing Andrews head in already. He is going to reinforce the joists but is also going to use some for of metalwork to tie the stand in to the stone wall due to it being an upstairs living room.
Luckily he will be able to use all the equipment at work to make the stand in his own time. His boss also has a load of aquarium glass stored upstairs in the factory that I am thinking may be very usable for the sump design, his boss built tanks in the pas too. I think I am going to have 3 tanks rather than one big one and drill them and then pipe them together, one for the equipment which will then go into the seahorse refugium, which will then go into a lit chaeto fuge / return pump section, which will be split by baffles and have two return pumps (not sure about this bit yet, but want two drains and two returns, need to look it all up). That will mean Andrew can put extra supprts in, in between the sections. Better to be safe than sorry with that weight on the first floor.
The cabinet itself will be 18mm kitchen type wood, we have some soft closure hinges already and the wood will be at trade price. The hood will be the same type of design as the Seabray tank I have now. I am also going to have a small box next to the cabinet that will store water for an auto top-off system.
The most expensive part will be the actual display tank (apart from the vortech). I am trying to get a second hand one, if not work owe me a load of money, once I get that, I could order one if needs be. Will not get the tank probably (unless one comes up for a really good price) until the floor is down in the living room.