Because I have adapted the background so that the whole tank is brighter I have done another set of photos for you to see the difference the backing has made.
The only missing photographs are the clownfish, they just did not want to be photographed today at all.
Zoas to start with
On the bottom of the rock with the yellow zoas on you can just make out below what I believe are some sort of Tunicate or Sea squirt.
Just for Bagu - The Leather
One I have not shown you in a while, the Pachyclavularia or GSP
Pom Pom Xenia - not quite as expanded since swapping protein skimmers but still doing well and pulsing.
Rhodactis Mushrooms - Just for you Trod
Caulastrea - 20+ heads now
Duncan - Seems to be liking its new position - I believe there is a second mouth growing.
My beautiful Pearl Bubble - The size of this now is immense, it will I think need to be fragged before long.
A close up first
On my bubble that is a little sick still I can see this growing
After reading
This Thread I believe it is the same white sponge which Buddyboy says is a sign of a healthy mature tank.
A hermit crab
Yellow Watchman Goby - Seti
Flasher Wrasse - Ankhesunamum
Yellow Tailed Midas Blennie - Thutmosis
Bangaii Cardinal - Hatshepsut
To finish of the photos
Full Tank Shot
I am really starting to be pleased with how the tank is looking. If I can see the back of the hair algae on the left hand side after changing the bulb, I will be really pleased.