Ok so I promised you all photos again. I have done quite a few as usual.
First up Thanks must go to Big C, I have got my prootein skimmer (Aquamedic Midiflotor) actually skimming, it seems to pulling out a load now.
Here is the pic
Next up the Corals
My Duncan today, bear in mind this was onl;y moved last night to an area of higher flow and more light, I was expecting it to sulk, its not, just look how happy he is.
Leather - Just for you Bagu, look at the Girth on that!!
Zoas - These will soon be ready frag I think
Yellow zoas - These have fragged themselves around the tank (picture later of one of the frags)
Green and Blue High Colour Zoas - These were very small when I got them, are growing nicely.
Pom Pom Pulsing Xenia - and boy does it pulse
Furry Rhodactis Mushrooms - These have stayed on the rock unlike previous lot (think LFS was right, bad crab caused the last lot to recede - lesson there, get rid of Bad Crabs ASAP)
Pearl Bubble - This is expanding beautifully
Galaxea - Seems to be a perfect spot to balance flow so that sweeper tentacles are not too long, also nowhere near any other coral.
Caulastrea - Heads dividing all over the place.
Hammer - Gone from 4 to 6 heads, expanding more and more each day
Right in the centre of the picture you can just see a yellow zoa frag
From the Left
From the Right
Left Bommie
Left Bommie - Showing changes made with the Tinckering
Right Bommie
Full Tank Shot
Aiptasia I think - will be trying Joes Juice first
The final shot is my original Bubble coral that has not been happy since I moved it from old to new tank. There are bubbles in places but I think part of the coral has died. Anyone have any ideas on how I can do anything with this coral??
It has improved considerably in the last few weeks, just not sure what to do with it now.
Hope you all enjoy the photos, am hoping to get fish of some description tomorrow, am considering another coral also, will keep you updated on that.