I would like to say it is nice to be back, I would rather be back out there, anyway, reality has to kick in sometime.
My tan is not brilliant but I certainly look a lot healthier than I did beforehand. It was too hot somedays to lie in it, the morphine also had a habit of making me fall asleep in the sun, not good, even if you were in shade when you fell asleep, you would not be on waking. Had to be very careful, also could not get in and out of swimming pools, so did not cool down at all, the sea has a strong current and I would probably have ended up in Rhodes.
I have changed phosphate remover and carbon and blown rocks with my Turkey baster as well as adding more reef builder to increase alkalinity. Will add Calcium tomorrow now as you should not add both on same day. As I have blown rocks off, there is a little cloudiness, I am just waiting for that to clear before I take the photographs, they will be here sometime tonight though, I know they are priority but really had to go to physio.
Not emptied cases yet so photos will come before that, to be honest, the thought of all that washing is making me pull my hair out.
For those that know about Mum and her Cancer, she had excellent news whilst I was away, her cancer has decreased by half at the half way stage of her chemotherapy, we are hoping it will be held back by this. It will not go completley but at least will give her a better chance.