Tina's Twin Bommies

Wow that's expensive stuff :crazy: I hope that it works well and leaves her feeling better than after the other stuff.
hehe thanks TigerIssey :p ill hold you too that :D

just looks so good!
I just had to search youtube for the last twenty minutes.
To find out how to frag corals, and what it ment!

A few more piccies


My Duncan, fully expanded, at the bottom was a patch of algae when I got back off holiday, it seems to have stopped that bit expanding, does not seem detrimental to the coral though.

Banded Serpent Star


Finally the rare frogspawn at my LFS. I soon should have a frag, some went whilst I was on holiday but there will be one in soon.


It is about 8"x8"

Hope you like.
Great photos. That frogspawn is awesome!! Hope you get a chance to get one soon. Will they let you prepay so you can get a frag when it's ready?
Just a little word on the Aussie Duncan Tina, I found that placing this species in a good flow of water then the tentacles will elongate more. I had mine in a low flow area in the early days and the thing hardly grew even with direct feeding every now and then. Now since changing the pumps to Tunze (essentially a lot more whoosh) the Duncan has really come into its own. (4 heads are now 11, and more sprouting) I can see this coral really being evasive now. The tentacles are much more extended and with a long length to each. A beautiful looking coral there Tina and if given the proper environmental conditions it will look absolutly stunning in your tank.
Thanks for the tip Big C, I got it a few days before going on holiday and placed it there so that I did not need to worry about light shock. I am doing a water change later so will look at moving it into an area of higher flow then. It is on one of those plastic cradles so I may need to snap it off and epoxy it somewhere. If it grows as fast as you and Ski say, I am going to need to give some thought to where to place it.

The frogspawn is amazing Ben, I so want one, I have started to look at where I would place that too so will have a think today, I am starting to think that the left Bommie will not see any more soft corals, I am too into the LPS to bother with any more. I also want to keep the very top of the right bommie and very top of the left bommie free for a few nice montis and other SPS that I can have with this lighting.

I am starting to feel a little tinkering with the area around the bottom of the left bommie coming on :shifty: :nod: then there will be more :snap: :whistle:
Thanks for the tip Big C, I got it a few days before going on holiday and placed it there so that I did not need to worry about light shock. I am doing a water change later so will look at moving it into an area of higher flow then. It is on one of those plastic cradles so I may need to snap it off and epoxy it somewhere. If it grows as fast as you and Ski say, I am going to need to give some thought to where to place it.

Don't worry if it doesn't open fully for a few days Tina, after placement, this is perfectly normal
I thought that may be the case, when I bought it I read they like to sulk until they have been in the same spot for a little while, that is one reason I just left it where it was aswell, I wanted to make sure it opened before moving it to its final destination, it should at least be used to tank conditions now and should open a little quicker than it took this time. I ordered it via the internet so it was probably traumatised when it went in.

Spoke to Andrew last night, we are going looking at fish at the weekend, may get the first fish off my list at the same time. He needs to have a look at the fish himself rather than pictures before he agrees to the list we made. The LFS has Bicolour blenny, Bangaii Cardinal, Purple firefish, Mandarin, coral beauty, which were all on the list, so hopefully he will be able to finalise this and perhaps make a purchase. The only fish on the list not there is another flasher wrasse, we may or may not go for one but if we do would probably order a nice one rather than pick one that is already in the shop.
duncans are amazingly hardy. I thought i had lost a little 3 headed one when i rescaped. Saw something out of the corner of a rock about 3 weeks later. it was one tenticle off a polyp poking out. Pulled it out and i was sure it was a gonner. Now its looking better than ever. Recovered in like a week.
I have done the water change and a had little shuffle at the bottom of the left bommie. I have moved the Duncan to where it is in higher flow and a little more light, it seems to be quite happy as I can make out the tentacle tips at least. Will do photos tomorrow as the water change and cleaning has upset most of the corals.

It looks so much better and there is now no sign of algae. Lets hope it stays that way too.

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