Maybe a bit creepy!

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Yup! I think it would be a perfect moment... Its just getting the guts to do it tho lol.

You can do it! Sorry to hear about your accident and the back pain. The pain and collapsing sounds so painful! When you say getting the guts to do it... a lot of people get nervous about going to the doctor/dentist/hospital etc, completely normal and understandable, and it makes it very easy to put it off and tell yourself you'll go soon, and not book the appointment. But the doc is there to help, and it's rarely as bad as you anticipate! You can do it.

Make a note of any/all symptoms you remember or have before the appointment, since it's easy to blank and forget about something while you're there. Include any questions you have for the doc too.
Yah... I guess I just don't want to bring it up because I don't want to go through my parents possibly freaking out or anyone really knowing... It's my little thing I try to hide so that way I'm not looked at weird.

Yah, my parents want me to see a doctor about my back pain which would be a good time to bring up the twitching I suppose...

Trust me, your parents would only freak out because they love you, and they would MUCH prefer that you share your concerns and let them freak out, than find out later that you were suffering and they couldn't help you. At least, that's what my mom always told me, and as an adult know, I get her position a lot more! She wasn't mad at me, she was worried for me. But if you're not comfortable sharing with your parents yet, then still share it with your doctor! You can ask to speak to them privately and for them not to discuss it with your parents. Or as you said, ask your parents if you can see the doc about your back pain (and you should have been going anyway, young man!) without telling them about the twitching, then take the chance while you're there to mention it.

Yes, it could be connected. It might not be of course - again, not medically trained! But anything to do with the brain or with the spine can affect your muscles and nerves everywhere. It's all connected since the nerves run down your spine from the brain. So it's very possible that it's all connected to your accident, or your back pain. Or perhaps it's something minor and just a coincidence and it'll turn out to be nothing major. Try not to build it up into a big deal and freak yourself out though. Can always pm me if you want to share in private. No judgement here, but I will definitely nag you to book that doctor's appointment, now I'm your internet mom ;) :lol:
Best excuse I have heard today
Sigh, I can't claim any such excuse for spelling and stuff as I have way too may systems to call them all at fault. I'm a computer geek with two desktops that I built, two laptops and a tablet. Funny thing is that I totally hate cell phones and don't even carry. My land line is just fine for me.

Of course the above has nothing to do with what is going on with this thread but it was something to type while I was thinking.. Sigh and LOL... Thinking is a dangerous thing for me to do as it takes me all over the place. ;)

The following is directed to the staff of this site. It is obvious that this thread has gone very much beyond the intent of this site. Yet this site is to help people. The current aspect of this thread has the potential to help. Many sites would lock this thread but please do not consider doing so. This site is about the care of fish but it is people that care for the fish. How can we care for fish without caring about others that care for fish? I'm not saying that I believe that any staff member would do so but I always believe that it is better to put out a view before action is done than after. Even though dealing with people rather than fish I think that this thread has become VERY important. This is from one that, many years ago, worked as a volunteer at a youth mental health facility.
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I havent told my parents about my issues at all...
Um, you definitely should. Even if it would “freak them out”, it’s better to let someone know you have a medical issue, than to let it build up and manifest.
You can do it! Sorry to hear about your accident and the back pain. The pain and collapsing sounds so painful! When you say getting the guts to do it... a lot of people get nervous about going to the doctor/dentist/hospital etc, completely normal and understandable, and it makes it very easy to put it off and tell yourself you'll go soon, and not book the appointment. But the doc is there to help, and it's rarely as bad as you anticipate! You can do it.

Make a note of any/all symptoms you remember or have before the appointment, since it's easy to blank and forget about something while you're there. Include any questions you have for the doc too.
Thank you so much! My parents already know about the back pains and I was going to see a doctor but things are so hectic that we just don't get around to it. I want to see a doctor and fix or treat the pain I have. I just don't know why its harder for me to say I have twitching lol. When the paramedics arrived at the scene one of them came to us and said: "Listen, you may not have any trauma signs or injuries now but even if its a year after the accident, constant back pain can actually be associated with it. So make sure you tell your doctor about the car accident even if its a year later." And less than a year after the accident, I just collapsed from pain. And was like: "WHAT THE HECK!?"

Thank you for your concern. I do really appreciate it
Um, you definitely should. Even if it would “freak them out”, it’s better to let someone know you have a medical issue, than to let it build up and manifest.
Yaaaaah I know... I probably should.
Gosh, was it severe?
Yeah it was pretty severe although there were no bad injuries except for mine...
We were on our way home when there was a red light, so we stopped but the person behind us was texting and going 30-40mph when she hit us. Luckily we were in a Subaru and its "defence" worked well... Her whole front sude of tge car smashed in and we lost all our groceries.
I just remember the horrible smell of acid. It burned my throat and nose so bad... I cant even explain the smell :sick:
Yeah it was pretty severe although there were no bad injuries except for mine...
We were on our way home when there was a red light, so we stopped but the person behind us was texting and going 30-40mph when she hit us. Luckily we were in a Subaru and its "defence" worked well... Her whole front sude of tge car smashed in and we lost all our groceries.
I just remember the horrible smell of acid. It burned my throat and nose so bad... I cant even explain the smell :sick:
Dang, that's awful. That's so insanely frustrating. Almost the exact same thing happened to my mom, she got a severe concussion and spent months in vestibular therapy. She still scrambles words sometimes.
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Dang, that's awful. That's so insanely frustrating. Almost the exact same thing happened to my mom, she got a severe concussion and spent 7 months in vestibular therapy to regain only a portion of her original mental function. The people who hit her were frantic, asked if she was ok, switched drivers, then were gone. OUT OF THERE. We think they were likely driving without a license and didn't have any kind of insurance.
Oh my gosh! What mental functions does she have? Was it really bad for her? I hope she is alright. When you say "only a portion of mental function" that scares me...
Oh my gosh! What mental functions does she have? Was it really bad for her? I hope she is alright. When you say "only a portion of mental function" that scares me...
Well it’s not super bad. The practice made tons of difference. She really struggles with words, like some are just gone completely gone. She flip flops words, switches words, completely leaves out words, etc. It’s also affected her memory. It’s not severe, you’d just think she was a little distracted.
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Well it’s not super bad. She really struggles with words, like some are just gone completely gone. Or several times a day she will tell us to do something, but tell us the wrong thing. She flip flops words, switches words, completely leaves out words, etc. It’s also affected her memory. Sometimes she forgets that she said or did something, or that she didn’t say or do something. Obviously normal people occasionally have an instance where they can’t recall a word or what they did one day, but hers is on a very regular basis, like daily. If she’s had a long day or is frazzled trying to get things done, it happens several times. “Vacuum the living room” I go do it, later that day “hey did you vacuum the kitchen like I asked? It looks like it wasn’t done” “No you asked me to do the living room” “oh I meant kitchen.” Sometimes you’ll talk to her, ask her a question; and she need a little minute to just think about what was said, to process the words and whatever. It’s not severe, you’d just think she was a little distracted.
Ohhh yah. I think you have told me! Sorry. That sounds frustrating for your mom. She probably feels really bad sometimes... Has it gotten better though?
Sigh…any one ever do something then you think it’s nothing but it is severely important… I had a huge test coming up mine and my sisters birthday and my bff had a break down and I had a severe spaz due to stress and nerves so um…now I’m in the blasted hospital because I dislocated something in my neck and I tensed up so bad my finger tendon and a arm muscle tore so bad I can’t move Either one…and I didn’t notice that it was that severe until I doubled the damage T-T hecking Tourettes

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