Maybe a bit creepy!

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Video games is the detriment of many kids today. And having a computer in your pocket is too much of a distraction for many kids. Kid should only have flip phones that are just for emergencies via talk. A couple of generations ago, life was simpler. Kids played games in the street until dark. Back then, kids were in better physical shape. Now many kids get fat just sitting around playing games on the internet.
Video games is the detriment of many kids today. And having a computer in your pocket is too much of a distraction for many kids. A couple of generations ago, life was simpler. Kids played games in the street until dark. Back then, kids were in better physical shape. Now many kids get fat just sitting around playing games on the internet.
I play video games and I turned out ok :fun:🤪
This may not be a popular viewpoint but...

Every now and then I hear someone ask what is wrong with kids today? My stock answer is that my generation is the cause. I'm 67 and it was my generation that largely removed the right for parents and teachers to discipline the young. I mean how can the young learn self discipline if their parents and teachers cannot discipline? In today's world a child can just threaten their parents with the threat of calling the cops if the parent or teacher tries to punish and too many parents and teachers go along with this out of fear of possibly losing the child.

I am in no way putting down the young of this era. I'm putting down my age group for allowing the removal of discipline and punishment.
Of course most young people are just fine but too many are not. The fault in such cases is not the young but the old.

Just my little ramble. I truly hope that none take offense.
I believe that most of us are talking about physical problems, not mental health though that comes into play as well
I think a big problem these days is that kids hide themselves in their bedrooms and play on computers to all hours of the night, when their parents most probably think their little angels are asleep. We would go to bed at 8.30pm and go to sleep, which doesn't seem to happen now days, especially on this site.
I think a big problem these days is that kids hide themselves in their bedrooms and play on computers to all hours of the night, when their parents most probably think their little angels are asleep. We would go to bed at 8.30pm and go to sleep, which doesn't seem to happen now days, especially on this site.
Yep, I have been up way past my bed time because of this site. Can't say I can complain, you guys are alright.
Just curious as to what part of Ohio you reside as I'm originally from Ohio, about 20 minutes east of Cleveland.
I am about an hour East of Columbus. I grew up in Michigan. My husband's family is all down here, we have been down here for 12 years now.
I am about an hour East of Columbus. I grew up in Michigan. My husband's family is all down here, we have been down here for 12 years now.
Sounds like that might be in the area of Zanesville.

I try to be in bed by midnight, doesn't always happen. I am mostly a night owl. If the day was difficult or emotionally draining, I crash by 9pm.
LOL! that is one advantage of being an old fart and retired. I have no schedule to keep but my own. I sleep when I'm tired and wake whenever I do. ;)
Me and my bow-building/trail running/tv watching assistant. If you're wondering about his expression, he's trying to figure how to get at his peanut-butter toy without waking me up and ending the cuddle session.
tayo nap.jpg
Me and my bow-building/trail running/tv watching assistant. If you're wondering about his expression, he's trying to figure how to get at his peanut-butter toy without waking me up and ending the cuddle session.
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GAH! Black lab!! (cross?) looks like a wonderful cuddler! My family dog when I was 4 yrs old - 22 yrs old was a black lab/whippet. Amazing temperament and family pet, miss her!

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