Bitcoin or Money?

Back in the early 70s I was in lodgings while at university. A work colleague of my landlord received a bill for £0.00. After numerous phone calls, the only way they found to stop the computer sending red final demands was for him to send in a cheque for £0.00 and for the company to actually pay that into their bank.
I think they should have waited for a final demand and then sent them some dry mud with 0.0 written on it ;)
I do not own a smart phone. I have issues with touch screens due to dry skin which is exacerbated by my hands bring in tanks of which, until recently, I gaces had 20 -28 for the past 20 years (fewer before then).

I also drive a 2013 car which has no touch screen and I hope it is the last car I will ever own. I consider touch screens in cars to be a major cause of accidents along with the idiots who insist on texting while driving, Yes you are an idiot if you do this. Using a touch screen means you have to look at it and that means you are not watching the road.

I have been driving for only 62 year. Over that short period I have managed to learn how to parallel park in spaces in NYC where, when done, there is barely 18 inches of space between me and the vehicle both in front of and behind me. And miraculously, I did not have a backup camera. My brother drives the same model ca,r but it is two years younger and it does have a touch screen and cameras. Every now and then I may have to borrow his car. When I do and I I park, I do not use the screen to park, I look at it and it makes no sense to me and I park the way I have done so for those 66 years.

Don't get me wrong. I am not anti-digital, I got my first PC built for me in late 1987 or early 1988. It then got an upgrade from its 80386 cpu chip to an 80486. At that time I also upgraded the hard disk drive to one of those new immense ones which had a 10 megabyte capacity.

GIGO is the rule when it comes to computing.
Don't get me wrong. I am not anti-digital, I got my first PC built for me in late 1987 or early 1988. It then got an upgrade from its 80386 cpu chip to an 80486. At that time I also upgraded the hard disk drive to one of those new immense ones which had a 10 megabyte capacity.

GIGO is the rule when it comes to computing.
Always liked GIGO, Garbage In, Garbage Out. ;) I also like "System error ID 10T". ID 10T spells IDIOT. ;)

Got you beat by around three years as to getting a first computer as mine was 1984. Pretty amazing what has gone on with hard drives. I remember 10-20 MB drives and today the largest drive is 100 TB at the low price of $40,000.00 USD. ;) Shoot, in my main and backup desktop systems I have around 13 TB each. The second system is mostly for backing up my 10 TB worth of media drives. I have a library of over 1000 movie titles. If I lost a drive and had to restore from scratch it could take me years. With the backup I just swap a backup drive for the blown one, replace the bad one and backup to the new drive. Even that would take a week but that is a lot better than years. ;) And, even if the storage was needed why would anyone pay $40,000.00 for a 100 TB drive when you could just get 5 20 TB drives for under $2000.00? :dunno:

Call me paranoid but I am a freak as to backups. Shoot, I have two 1 TB PCIe (M.2) drives in my main. One is the system drive and the other is a clone backup of the system drive. Lose my system drive and I just change the boot to the clone and I'm back up in less than a minute. My data drive is also completely backed up to the second desktop and more important data is also backed up to 3 other systems. Ya, I have a lot of computers. I have 4 running Windows, one running Linux and one dual booting between Windows and Mac OS. Actually there is a 7th but it is retired but still fully functional running Windows 10. LOL! That retired laptop is over 13 years old and still runs well. Gotta just love Asus. Actually, when I build a desktop, there are only 3 motherboards I'll consider; Asus, ASRock and Gigabyte. My main is ASRock and my second desktop is Gigabyte. My preference is ASRock with an AMD CPU.

Sorry, once again, I'm rambling. I almost just deleted this post but itseems like a waste to throw away so much typing. ;)
Always liked GIGO, Garbage In, Garbage Out. ;) I also like "System error ID 10T". ID 10T spells IDIOT. ;)

Got you beat by around three years as to getting a first computer as mine was 1984. Pretty amazing what has gone on with hard drives. I remember 10-20 MB drives and today the largest drive is 100 TB at the low price of $40,000.00 USD. ;) Shoot, in my main and backup desktop systems I have around 13 TB each. The second system is mostly for backing up my 10 TB worth of media drives. I have a library of over 1000 movie titles. If I lost a drive and had to restore from scratch it could take me years. With the backup I just swap a backup drive for the blown one, replace the bad one and backup to the new drive. Even that would take a week but that is a lot better than years. ;) And, even if the storage was needed why would anyone pay $40,000.00 for a 100 TB drive when you could just get 5 20 TB drives for under $2000.00? :dunno:

Call me paranoid but I am a freak as to backups. Shoot, I have two 1 TB PCIe (M.2) drives in my main. One is the system drive and the other is a clone backup of the system drive. Lose my system drive and I just change the boot to the clone and I'm back up in less than a minute. My data drive is also completely backed up to the second desktop and more important data is also backed up to 3 other systems. Ya, I have a lot of computers. I have 4 running Windows, one running Linux and one dual booting between Windows and Mac OS. Actually there is a 7th but it is retired but still fully functional running Windows 10. LOL! That retired laptop is over 13 years old and still runs well. Gotta just love Asus. Actually, when I build a desktop, there are only 3 motherboards I'll consider; Asus, ASRock and Gigabyte. My main is ASRock and my second desktop is Gigabyte. My preference is ASRock with an AMD CPU.

Sorry, once again, I'm rambling. I almost just deleted this post but itseems like a waste to throw away so much typing. ;)
I'm waiting for 12 or 16 TB ssd to hit mainstream.
You're speaking Geek to me, lol
Sorry. :( Computers are a sort of passion with me and I tend to get carried away.
I'm waiting for 12 or 16 TB ssd to hit mainstream.
They are out there but with a high price tag. Except for my main system drive and clone drives all mine are spin drives. Actually 16 TB SSD drives are available but at a high cost. Also they seem to be SATA, not PCIe. Here is an example but it has a price tag of $1799.00 USD. I am in no way recommending this drive as I know nothing about the manufacturer. It is just an example.
I am the exact opposite. I am a privacy nut. I own only one device- my PC. So I do not use the cloud which is just somebody elses computer. I believe all apps are spyware and have almost none. My main app. allows me to dowload my emails to Outlook from the encrypted site which is my email provider. yje cannot read my emails. I do not store cookies or history on my PC nor any passwords. I log onto sites every time I visit. I download almost nothing. I am not registered on any social media sites at all and never have been. I do not text either.

If you do a search for my real name you find almost nothing. The sites that purport to have my history and where I have lived have me living places i have never done so. I check now and then. One such site has me being 104 years old.

I consider windows 10 to be the most invasive software ever. It usurped Apple for that distinction. I have a $2,000 Apple paper weight I tried to use to avoid Windows 10 and I will never ever own anything made by Apple again. My windows account is local. I have never bought anything from an app stores or gotten anything free from one. I have a computer guy who does my box and we have removed the MS browser. I use Pale Moon and Firefox. Here is my PC storage set up as of today. I auto backup my systems weekly. He also shut down and removed other things for me.

I do not blindly download updates and the Windows ones are on delay.

Compared to Jay, here is my storage status and attached device as of today: I have had this PC for a few years now.

So far, I have never been hacked, never had malware on any device and never had a virus either. I even built two of my boxes. As for wWndows I have only had the following verisons: 3.0./3.1, 98, XP, 7 and 10. I got 3.0 free NIB from Microsoft. before that it was DOS.

I am a movie nut and download none of them. I have watched sielts films, B&W films and more modern stuff. Most movies today have little plot, litlle acting and a lot of effects. If you want to see some great movies it would take me me pages to list them for you. try the very first vampire movie made- Nosferatu. I have seen most of the Charlie Chaplin films, all of the Marx Brothers, all the Abbot and Costello films and probably all f their TV episodes.

It's a popular but not very accurate trivia question, according to the Baseball Hall of Fame. The two people you are probably searching for are Bud Abbott and Lou Costello. Although their classic comedy routine "Who's on First" is a permanent fixture at the Hall, the duo has never been officially "enshrined."

Here are a few great films you can find and have likely never seen:
To Have and Have Not (B&W) (Was you ever bit by a dead bee?)
Arsenic and Old Lace (B&W)
The Philadelphia Story (B&W)
Harvey (B&W)

More modern films:
The King of Hearts (In French but you can find it with sub-titles or dubbed in English)
The Legend of 1900
The Commitments

Have fun.


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I am the exact opposite. I am a privacy nut. I own only one device- my PC. So I do not use the cloud which is just somebody elses computer. I believe all apps are spyware and have almost none. My main app. allows me to dowload my emails to Outlook from the encrypted site which is my email provider. yje cannot read my emails. I do not store cookies or history on my PC nor any passwords. I log onto sites every time I visit. I download almost nothing. I am not registered on any social media sites at all and never have been. I do not text either.

If you do a search for my real name you find almost nothing. The sites that purport to have my history and where I have lived have me living places i have never done so. I check now and then. One such site has me being 104 years old.

I consider windows 10 to be the most invasive software ever. It usurped Apple for that distinction. I have a $2,000 Apple paper weight I tried to use to avoid Windows 10 and I will never ever own anything made by Apple again. My windows account is local. I have never bought anything from an app stores or gotten anything free from one. I have a computer guy who does my box and we have removed the MS browser. I use Pale Moon and Firefox. Here is my PC storage set up as of today. I auto backup my systems weekly. He also shut down and removed other things for me.

I do not blindly download updates and the Windows ones are on delay.

Compared to Jay, here is my storage status and attached device as of today: I have had this PC for a few years now.
View attachment 363825
So far, I have never been hacked, never had malware on any device and never had a virus either. I even built two of my boxes. As for wWndows I have only had the following verisons: 3.0./3.1, 98, XP, 7 and 10. I got 3.0 free NIB from Microsoft. before that it was DOS.

I am a movie nut and download none of them. I have watched sielts films, B&W films and more modern stuff. Most movies today have little plot, litlle acting and a lot of effects. If you want to see some great movies it would take me me pages to list them for you. try the very first vampire movie made- Nosferatu. I have seen most of the Charlie Chaplin films, all of the Marx Brothers, all the Abbot and Costello films and probably all f their TV episodes.

Here are a few great films you can find and have likely never seen:
To Have and Have Not (B&W) (Was you ever bit by a dead bee?)
Arsenic and Old Lace (B&W)
The Philadelphia Story (B&W)
Harvey (B&W)

More modern films:
The King of Hearts (In French but you can find it with sub-titles or dubbed in English)
The Legend of 1900
The Commitments

Have fun.

First I also do not use cloud storage. In fact I uninstall One Drive totally. All my backups are on local systems.

I have also never been 'hacked'. My security is a router with a hardware firewall. Along with that I use Windows Defender and Malware Bytes Premium for software protection. Windows Defender tends to have a bad reputation that I can't really understand. In independent tests Defender scores higher then either Symantec or McAfee. Sigh I used to beta test for Peter Norton, the founder of Norton Anti Virus. When he was bought out by Symantec the quality just dropped into a hole in the ground. I would not ever have ant Symantec software on my system. McAfee isn't quite as bad as Symantec but I will still not allow on my systems.
Sorry. :( Computers are a sort of passion with me and I tend to get carried away.

They are out there but with a high price tag. Except for my main system drive and clone drives all mine are spin drives. Actually 16 TB SSD drives are available but at a high cost. Also they seem to be SATA, not PCIe. Here is an example but it has a price tag of $1799.00 USD. I am in no way recommending this drive as I know nothing about the manufacturer. It is just an example.
Yea but that just means they aren't mainstream yet. My understanding is samsung next generation of dense chips will resolve this issue but will likely by very late 2025 or well into 2026 before they are released. Btw before i made the post i did my checking and there are a couple of other models not listed: teamgroup and mushkin are the best known.

As for cloud storage; if you are going to use it encrypt everything before it is uploaded. There are virtual file systems that will run data through an encryption layer before they are sent to the cloud ;)
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@anewbie Since we are talking above most people's pay grade and our discussion really does not fit this topic we should probably take our discussion to private if You would like to continue the talk. If you want to do so feel free to start a private conversation.

I'm actually pretty proud of what I've done with computers. I am 100% self taught yet I have 5 awards from Microsoft.
@anewbie Since we are talking above most people's pay grade and our discussion really does not fit this topic we should probably take our discussion to private if You would like to continue the talk. If you want to do so feel free to start a private conversation.

I'm actually pretty proud of what I've done with computers. I am 100% self taught yet I have 5 awards from Microsoft.
That's ok i've been building my own computer for 40 years; heck in college we had to do it the hard way with and/nand/nor gates; at least we didn't have to make the chips - that was another class ;) Having said that i run linux - though the reason i lean towards ssd is that hd raid cause too much vibration.
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I only deal in greenbacks period. Bitcoin may be a safe longterm investment, it may not idk but I've never been a gambler with my hard earned money. Rather invest in a sure thing. Most sure things have small returns on investment but you can rest easy knowing you're not gonna lose. Rich people are some of the cheapest mofos in the world...
I only deal in greenbacks period. Bitcoin may be a safe longterm investment, it may not idk but I've never been a gambler with my hard earned money. Rather invest in a sure thing. Most sure things have small returns on investment but you can rest easy knowing you're not gonna lose. Rich people are some of the cheapest mofos in the world...
The thing is that you can lose with “safe investments” with small returns. You can lose to inflation. If inflations goes up, the value of your “safe investment” can go down.
The thing is that you can lose with “safe investments” with small returns. You can lose to inflation. If inflations goes up, the value of your “safe investment” can go down.
Not sure any of it matters - isn't there a magic year when the world will end - i thought it was last year but maybe it is next year.

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