Maybe a bit creepy!

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Oh Lordy, here goes an old fart giving advice to the young which is something that I can't seem to stop doing.

You ARE a VERY pretty young lady! The lighter pigmentation in your face balances the streak in your hair giving symmetry which many spend much money trying to achieve. You have the advantage of it being natural. If you ever decided going Goth you would be a star.

I'm sure that you have been judged negatively but that comes from idiots that have no confidence in themselves so they have to put down someone else to feel important. The only use such people have is for practice in ignoring the fools.

Look, I basically live under two principles...
1) I will accept adult responsibilities and will react in an adult manner but I flatly refuse to grow up. One has to keep a bit of the child within to be able to appreciate the awe of a new experience.

2) This is the one that MAY apply to you. If someone says something about me it makes me no more or less by being said if it is true. If it is not true it just means nothing. The thing is that you have to be happy with yourself and not worry about what others say or think. Unless you are happy with yourself you can never be happy with another. It is what you feel about yourself that is of most importance.
This brought tears to my eyes
People on this forum are so supportive
This brought tears to my eyes
People on this forum are so supportive
Just being honest from my point of view.

Fools always look for flaws in others and we ALL have flaws. The difference between the fool and the wise is that the fool only looks for the flaws while the wise looks past the flaws for the real person. Make it a practice to deal with the wise and ignore the fools.
Treatments that I know of can include medication, relaxation techniques and psychotherapy but apparently they don’t work on me in most cases. While most people with Tourette syndrome are able to exert temporary control over their tics and vocalisations, others may require a combination of medications. Sometimes, Tourette syndrome can spontaneously resolve, for unknown reasons. There is no cure. I don’t have it as bad as some people and I don’t have vocal tics but I “wink” make faces and my fingers spaz or twitch for a few minutes. Tourette syndrome can be mild, moderate or severe. The intensity of symptoms can change within the person, sometimes on a daily basis. Stress or tension tends to make the condition worse, while relaxation or concentration eases the symptoms. Sometimes, the symptoms come and go over a period of months. Some days I can’t control it at all and others it’s a few uncomfortable winks or finger twitching and that’s all. But ya make up is a P A I N I tell ya lol and “saying the wrong thing” I feel ya XD some people are just waiting to report or get angry at someone 🙄
At least you can treat the symptoms I guess... That must be a very uncomfortable feeling when you accidentally wink or make a hamd gesture... Its like a big "oops" feeling I'm sure.
There was this comedian on AGT who has tourette's and he was hilarious. I cant relate too much to people who have tourette's but he made it so everyome could understand it and laugh. He wasnt making fun of people with it, he was just sharing experiences of his tourette's but saying them in a funny way from what I remember.
The lighter pigmentation in your face balances the streak in your hair giving symmetry which many spend much money trying to achieve.
I wanted to say that in my first post but thought it would be weird.
I totally agree though!
At least you can treat the symptoms I guess... That must be a very uncomfortable feeling when you accidentally wink or make a hamd gesture... Its like a big "oops" feeling I'm sure.
There was this comedian on AGT who has tourette's and he was hilarious. I cant relate too much to people who have tourette's but he made it so everyome could understand it and laugh. He wasnt making fun of people with it, he was just sharing experiences of his tourette's but saying them in a funny way from what I remember.
People like that always inspire me and ya the “oops” feeling it’s like anxiety on steroids especially when other people take it as a joke or flirting 🙄
People like that always inspire me and ya the “oops” feeling it’s like anxiety on steroids especially when other people take it as a joke or flirting 🙄
Oh I can only imagine lol.
Especially if a girl with tourette's winks at a guy by accident... That could totally be taken the wrong way... Same thing if it were a guy with tourette's accidentally winking towards a girl...
I actually have slight twitching and have "winked" by accident as well as twitches where my arms, hands, and sometimes legs make weird movements. I havent told my parents about my issues at all... I mostly just turn my face away if I feel a twitch or hide my hands and try to stiffen up if its my hands, arms, or legs. I cant say I have tourette's because I have not seen a doctor for it so therefore have no real diagnosis. But I do have a form of twitching undiagnosed...
Mayhaps I'm a bit naive but I just don't understand the importance given to be like others when we are all different in one or may ways.

In my humble opinion I feel that you have to accept others as who they are. Who they are has nothing to do with appearance; it all depends on what is within the person.
Yah... I just dont feel like I "need" a diagnosis, especially sense I'm not heavily affected by it. I also know its not life threatening really. (Hopefully its not the underlying disease thing). Ive had twitching for a long time... But I definitely cant seriously relate to someone with tourette's. Sounds way worse than what I have.
I have to advise that you really look at Lemon's advice as she seems to have extensive experience in the matter. Hiding from a problem never finds an answer. Only facing the problem leads to solutions.

This is a quote from one of my favorite books of fiction, Dune by Frank Herbert.
"I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain"

Is your hesitation to be diagnosed really a feeling of not needing or a fear of the results?
Yah... I just dont feel like I "need" a diagnosis, especially sense I'm not heavily affected by it. I also know its not life threatening really. (Hopefully its not the underlying disease thing). Ive had twitching for a long time... But I definitely cant seriously relate to someone with tourette's. Sounds way worse than what I have.
I completely think it’s up to you! Tourette’s can start as young as 2 or as late as late 20s early 30s. It’s your life I’m just a stranger on the Internet:)
Is your hesitation to be diagnosed really a feeling of not needing or a fear of the results?
Honestly a feeling of not needing to... I mean its not altering my life, I dont need meds for it. Its just weird tics I got, I suppose.
I completely think it’s up to you! Tourette’s can start as young as 2 or as late as late 20s early 30s. It’s your life I’m just a stranger on the Internet:)
Thank you!
Yah, I'm not too concerned by it. Its just a twitch or small shaking and some uncontrolled finger or head movements here and there but nothing horrible.
Most recent picture of me. Finally grew my hair out to where I like it.

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