Its Done Im Converted

Post all your stats as of today, ie sg, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, ph, temp and let us know how long they've been stable for, but doesn't sound like you're far off :good:

Also have you added all your LR yet, or do you plan to add more? Also have you got everything else installed skimmer, heater, powerheads etc etc?

Salinity 0.024
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0.005
Nitrate 15-20
PH 8.4
Magnesium 1100
Calsium 500
Temp 26c

They have been like this since mondy except calcium and magnesium have gone up a fraction and nitrates have dropped a fraction. Also can I ask im running an arcadia I bar like your self how have you got the 3rd blue t5 running as I would like one?
Salinity 0.024
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0.005
Nitrate 15-20
PH 8.4
Magnesium 1100
Calsium 500
Temp 26c

They have been like this since mondy except calcium and magnesium have gone up a fraction and nitrates have dropped a fraction. Also can I ask im running an arcadia I bar like your self how have you got the 3rd blue t5 running as I would like one?

Fine, a large water change, up to 50% even, then you're ready for CUC :good:

I have an extra ballast on a separate timer, and have the 3rd tube which is actinic screwed into the rear hood of the tank, fairly simple. Just drilled 2 holes and a plastic screw onto the clips that hold the tube and reflector. All fits fairly well.

What CUC you getting?
was thinking:

2x peppermint shrimp
2x cleaner shrimp
2x porcerlain crabs
1 or 2 red legged hermit crabs
8 cerith snails
8 nassarius snails
2 turbo snails
5 trochus snails

Although snails may vary where do you get all your livestock from as we live so close to each other?

Should I add these at once?
was thinking:

2x peppermint shrimp
2x cleaner shrimp
2x porcerlain crabs
1 or 2 red legged hermit crabs
8 cerith snails
8 nassarius snails
2 turbo snails
5 trochus snails

Although snails may vary where do you get all your livestock from as we live so close to each other?

Should I add these at once?

Good selection. Maybe lose a turbo and increase the number of red legged hermits, maybe up to 10, they love diatoms. 1 turbo = about 10 normal snails anyway :hyper:

You could maybe knock the trochus down to 3 aswell, up to you.

I get all my CUC from, they are significantly cheaper than your LFS, delivery is overnight via special delivery and I've not lost any livestock yet. E-Mail James and he'll do you a good discount if you buy this little lot. OK to add all at once.

I am at this moment just acclimitising some more CUC from reefcritters, that arrived 10 mins ago :good:

Make sure you acclimitise them slowly.

Good luck, keep us posted.
Right I have spoken to 3 different shops today and all said the same thing with out me even asking the question. All the shops told me I should add my crabs and snails but not my shrimp as shrimp are sensative. What they have told me to do is add my snails crabs and a couple of hardy fish. So tomorrow im going to add the follwing unless someone advises me different:

1x turbo snail
5x Nassarius snail
5x Cerith snail
5x red legged hermit crabs
1x sand sifting star
1x brittle star
pair of percular clowns now should I add an annenomi for the at them same time or leave this for now???
Thats what I thought I have just been reading up I wont add a nem but will I be ok adding the rest???
Right I have some critter for my tank now there great here is a few pics.

Here are my red legged hermit crabs these work real hard I couldnt belive it I have 5 but gonna get another 5 tomorrow.

Here is my sand sifting star hasnt really moved since being put in.

This is my Nassarius snail I could only get 1 of these so need to get a few more.

Here are my turbo snails I have 5 of these they have not really moved much.

Now my Cerith snails I have 4 of these again not done much in the way of moving.

And last but no means least my pair of percular clowns not bad for £20 for the pair of for you Americans $39
Nice mark :D. Btw, those are Astrea snails, commonly mislabeled by LFS' as turbo snails.
Oh dear should I get some real turbos aswell then??? Also I switched the lights off last night and was having a look in the tank with a torch and saw some bristle worms and these slug type things are these ok to leave in the tank? Also I have quiet a few feather duster also are these safe to keep?
Oh dear should I get some real turbos aswell then??? Also I switched the lights off last night and was having a look in the tank with a torch and saw some bristle worms and these slug type things are these ok to leave in the tank? Also I have quiet a few feather duster also are these safe to keep?

bristleworms are fine, good scavengers to have actually. Feather dusters are just fine as well. True turbo snails are BIG, in most cases 2+ times the size of those astrea snails. They're great algae eaters and glass cleaners but if you do plan on keeping corals, beware... They can really bulldoze coral frags and knock them off of rockwork when they feel like it
Shall I just up the numbers of the astreas then do they do the same job as turbos? Also im going to try and get more Nassarius snails today and add a few more hermits will this be ok? Also would a sally light foot crab be ok in my tank my wife really like them.

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