Its Done Im Converted

Right people looks like im over my green algea attack and im back on track here is a few pics of the tank looking good check out my coraline algea im loving the colour even my snails shells are going purple this is ok isnt it??? Hopefuly all being well tomorrow ill have a few new inhabitants. On with the pics.

Few rock work pics


Check out the coraline covered snail lol!

Full tank shot all lights on

Just blues on
Looks good. Are you testing your water or anything to encourage coraline or you just having it?
Do you think it would be possible today to add 2x cleaner shrimp 2x peppermint shrimp a blenny/goby and a couple of corals or is this to much if so what should I add???
wait till u get all of your fish b4 u get corals they need pretty much a prefect water quality they like aged but clean water
i would add today 2 shrimp today then 2shrimp in about 3 days (or if u are desperprate all 4 shrimp)
then add your fish a week after that(try to have 2 fish atleast every 2 weeks other wise there will be problems
youve gota be patient dont rush
Shrimp are delicate, along with fish, but not necessarily coral, I've added mushrooms before I have a fish and they are doing fine. I waited about 2months before I added corals and one month before I added a cuc. I added four snails, one crab, and one shrimp all at once and they did fine so I don't see a problem with adding your shrimp but I could be wrong but I wouldn't add everything together. What coral do you plan to add first? If you add coral depending on the type you might have to test for calcium and alkalinity.
Well I went shopping today I got some bits today I got 1x cleaner shrimp 1x peppermint shrimp 1x wathman goby and a leather coral. Here is a few pics also what type of leather is it the guy did tell me I just cant remember the only one I can remember was the one I didnt get lol which was a willow leather. Here are some pics as for the shrimp there doing there jobs behind the rock so cant photo them also what kind of pistol shrimp should I get to go with my goby??

Here is my new leather coral

And George the watchman goby
Got a little p!**!$d off this morning came down and saw a dead peppermint shrimp floating around so scooped it out and had a look around the tank to see the peppermint shrimp quiet happy going about its business :blink: its shredded its skin already??? is this normal???
It was £24 not bad I dont think. Ill show you a full tank shot so you can get an idea of the type of size the tank is a juwel rio 180.



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