the live rock is your biologial filter it will take care of it when my tank cycled the nitrate went to about 15 and is now a consistent 8 so i dont need to water change yet but if yours stays above 10 for a couples of weeks then you can do a 25% water change just to help out
(other people may have diffrent ways than me)
also i keep my sg at about 1.023
Yeah sorry 1.024 im using a tropic marine nitrite and nitrate test kit are these good as I do not think there to good???
Well the crab is out this morning and I have found a tiny snail on the glass this morning I shouldnt think I would need to get that out would I?
Ahh well just after I took those pics I blasted all the apstaisa with Joes juice boy is it good. I wanted to add my CUC this weekend my stats are:
ammonia 0
Nitrite 0.005 not 0.05 but 0.005
Nitrate 20
Now If I do a water change could I add my CUC to my tank this weekend.