Its Done Im Converted

the live rock is your biologial filter it will take care of it when my tank cycled the nitrate went to about 15 and is now a consistent 8 so i dont need to water change yet but if yours stays above 10 for a couples of weeks then you can do a 25% water change just to help out

(other people may have diffrent ways than me)

also i keep my sg at about 1.023

Don't forget, water changes do more than just keep your levels right. Adding fresh salt water adds trace elements that will reduce over time.


Yeah, hopefully you mean 1.024... :hyper:
Yeah sorry 1.024 im using a tropic marine nitrite and nitrate test kit are these good as I do not think there to good???
Well the crab is out this morning and I have found a tiny snail on the glass this morning I shouldnt think I would need to get that out would I?
Stats are all still the same just wont move im wondering if the tropic marine test kit is that accurate or if im being impatient.
Ok well the stats are staying the same but I think i have diatoms problem least thats what I think it is ill post some pics can you tell me if it is diatoms als will my cuc deal with that once I add them.




Yeah, those are diatoms. I would add a clean up crew sometime soon. I would highly suggest getting a peppermint shrimp. Looks like a glass anenome behind one of those rocks.
Ahh well just after I took those pics I blasted all the apstaisa with Joes juice boy is it good. I wanted to add my CUC this weekend my stats are:

ammonia 0
Nitrite 0.005 not 0.05 but 0.005
Nitrate 20

Now If I do a water change could I add my CUC to my tank this weekend.
Ahh well just after I took those pics I blasted all the apstaisa with Joes juice boy is it good. I wanted to add my CUC this weekend my stats are:

ammonia 0
Nitrite 0.005 not 0.05 but 0.005
Nitrate 20

Now If I do a water change could I add my CUC to my tank this weekend.

If your ammonia and nitrite remain at 0, do a large water change then its CUC time. I've found that red legged hermits eat the diatoms on the sand and snails on the glass/rocks.
My nitrite has been at 0.005 since monday but I think its that tropic marine test kit but 0.005 is such a tiny amount.

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