Its Done Im Converted

I had 1 aiptasia on a bit of my LR, so I just broke off that bit.

I was looking at what clean up crew I should get when my tank is ready I was thinking:

3x peppermint shrimp
3x Cleaner shrimp
1x Arrow Crab
3x red legged hermit crab
3x blue legged hermit crab
1x lettice slug

Im not sure what snails to get or does anyone else have any suggestions or think I should change quantities
get yourself some snails, someething like turbos

with the aiptasia you may want to get some joe's juice or something similar. we had an infestation and blasted the few biggest ones then left the shrimps to clean up teh rest, 3/4 days later and they were all gone. remember peppermint shrimp will only eat the aiptasia if they've no other food so when you put them in you may need to withold food or only feed sparingly for a couple of days.
WHere are you buying your stock and rock from?
I saw you go to Maidenhead at St Albans.
Instead go to Watford Aquarium there rock is cheaper and lots better than maidenhead. Also they are cheaper especailly on clean up crew.
Also i wouldn't mix the 2 hermit breeds stick to red legs.
arrow crabs are bad with other fish, I believe they can eat fish but either way they aren't good unless you want a tank for them

I don't know if you want that many shrimp but it's 1per5gallons I believe so thats about 20ltrs

Agreed with the hermits, best not to mix them I dont think and sometimes they can get grumpy so you may want to leave them out all together

sea slug's are incredibly hard to keep alive so don't get one, along with being sucked up by powerheads and nuking your tank

snails=cerith, astrea, turbo's, look back a page or two there was a marine topic of a week about them. Don't get margarita snails unless you keep your tank cool 74 or less, they don't like hot temperatures
I was looking at what clean up crew I should get when my tank is ready I was thinking:

3x peppermint shrimp
3x Cleaner shrimp
1x Arrow Crab
3x red legged hermit crab
3x blue legged hermit crab
1x lettice slug

Im not sure what snails to get or does anyone else have any suggestions or think I should change quantities

If it were me I'd get:-

2 x peppermint shrimps
2 x skunk cleaner shrimp
1 or 2 porcelain crabs (these guys are cool)
8 scarlet reef hermits (red legged hermits)
8 nassarius snails
8 cerith snails
1 turbo snail
5 trochus snails

This provides a good all round mix IMO
O so I have tested my tank again tonight here are the results:

Ammonia 0mg/l
Nitrite 0,1mg/l
Nitrate 20mg/l
PH 8.4
Magnesium 1100mg/l up from 1080mg/l which it was yesterday
Calcium 500mg/l up from 420mg/l which it was yesterday.

Are these reading ok the LR was supposedly cured nothing has changed apart from them magnesium and calcium. Are these results ok?
looks like it is evening out now as ammoia is 0 the nitrite will go to 0 ad push the nitrate up to about 30 then that should even out and all ammonia and nitrite should be kept 0 and nitrate should be 10 and less
So is it the same as freshwater to get rid of the nitrates I will need to do a water change?
So is it the same as freshwater to get rid of the nitrates I will need to do a water change?

Yeah once the ammonia and nitrite have been 0 for a week or so, do a large water change, even up to 50% or so.

Then you're ready for CUC :good:

Then monitor levels and start your normal weekly/bi weekly changes as you see fit, 10-15% is normal. As long as nitrates remain below 20ppm, you're on the right track.

Whats your sg/salinity, you don't mention this? 1.024/1.025 is about perfect.
the live rock is your biologial filter it will take care of it when my tank cycled the nitrate went to about 15 and is now a consistent 8 so i dont need to water change yet but if yours stays above 10 for a couples of weeks then you can do a 25% water change just to help out

(other people may have diffrent ways than me)

also i keep my sg at about 1.023
my salinity is 0.024 is this ok my refractometer will be here tomorrow so ill have a more acurate reading.

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