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  1. J

    African Cichlid And Other Fish

    No, not yet only the new born's :drool:
  2. J

    African Cichlid And Other Fish

    Thanks. The tank started life as a general tropical tank. About a year ago I lost quite a few fish so decided to go chchlids mainly to add colour. The non-cichlids are what I have left and have stayed with the cichlids since. Must be to do with the garlic food i feed them :-) left overs...
  3. J

    African Cichlid And Other Fish

    I've been a member for some time and I think it's time to share some photo's of my tank. As you can see from the photo's, I have afew other types of fish living happily in the tank as well. 400Lt tank.
  4. J

    Severum Vs Oscar

    So basically Oscars have better charactors while Servs look alot better :drool: It was quite interesting to see the results.
  5. J

    Changing Ph Of Water

    The tank is 400l I want to raise the pH from 6.5 to 7.2 My tap water is 7.2 and everytime I do a water change I put 6.5 buffer in due to a problem years ago. Ideally I want to raise it up to tap level. Which to me means it has to be done between weekly water changes. So I figure, could I...
  6. J

    Changing Ph Of Water

    I have new sand already. Maybe I'll do a 10% water change each day until the water becomes the same as my tap which is 7.3
  7. J

    Changing Ph Of Water

    Hi I've been lowering it for a few years now. A few years back, I had problems with the tap water. The PH level seemed to very so I decided to keep it to one level. Once I changed the water, PH went from 7.3 to over 8.2 and I lost quite a few fish. I basically have sererums amongst others...
  8. J

    Changing Ph Of Water

    Hi For the last few years, I have been changing the PH of the tank water to 6.5 using buffer I tested my tap water which is 7.3. How do I get off this PH Buffer and raise the pH in the tank water. Thanks James
  9. J

    What Type Of Fish?

    Yes, I'd love a redtail, but I don't have the space. Just read up on the original fish, and boy to they grow large too. Just as well I know someone with some very large tanks who would love to take them off my hands :good: They do look quite good in the tank (at the moment) as they just swim...
  10. J

    What Type Of Fish?

    hhmmm Thanks. I normally do double check. This LFS I go to sell redtail catfish too :hyper: They have 4 in stock at £30each.
  11. J

    What Type Of Fish?

    Hi Brought for of these for £2. This one doesn't look in good shape, but I was wondering if you knew the breed
  12. J

    Severum Vs Oscar

    Hi I have some really nice looking severums and my dad has some really nice looking Oscars. I was wondering, if you have the choice again, which fish would you go for and why? Serv's don't seem to be popular for some reason. Not sure why as they can be quite colourful. Here are some photo's...
  13. J

    Problem With Nitrate And Ammonia

    Thanks for the replies. Todays test show Nitrate 10 ppm (mg/L) Ammonia 0.10 ppm (mg/L) Nitrite 0 ppm(mg/L) Nitrate - I just cannot get down Ammonoa has dropped right down Nitrite is pretty damn good OK, I have been putting 6.5 Buffer in the tank. I have always done this since day on for over...
  14. J

    Problem With Nitrate And Ammonia

    Hi Deffo Nitrate I suck gravel once a week. I totally cleaned the filters in the end using tap water. I cleaned one out 3 weeks ago, and then tonight the other one. I know it's not a good idea, but I just can't get the reading down and thought 3 weeks would be enough for the first one to grow...
  15. J

    Problem With Nitrate And Ammonia

    Hi I wonder if you can help?. I have a tank wish I cannot lower the Nitrate or Ammonia Tank Size: 400l Filter setup: Two External filters filtering out the tank 7 times an hour Fish 6x serverons (2 babies, 2 10cm long ones and 2 15cm's in size) 6 Mollies (from my old tank and their getting...
  16. J

    Juwel Rekord 120

    The internal filters are rubbish. Mines now been removed :hyper: Cleaning them makes more mess within the tank. As you pull the media out, the water pulls the bits off and they enter the tank.
  17. J

    Rio 400lt Tank - Got A New Filter

    Hi Thanks for the links. I've installed the filter and it appears to be working very well. The filter is alot larger than the 305. It runs quieter than the 305. It has two input and two output pipes. Flooding the filter is so much easier than the 305 I prefer the visual look of the 305...
  18. J

    Rio 400lt Tank - Got A New Filter

    Thanks for looking I'll upload some photo's and see how it goes. My 305 is a fluval. I fanced trying something different. The make of the new filter is aqua Hi I decided to get the UV one. Not sure if it was worth it or not. I have a UV on my pond which I find works really well so...
  19. J

    Rio 400lt Tank - Got A New Filter

    Hi I have a Rio 400Lt tank. I had the internal filter on it for a few years. I tried to remove the filter for a while. Yesturday it just fell off :hyper: :good: Along with the internal filter, I had the external 305. I could never get rid of tiny floating bits in the water. Now the...
  20. J

    No Filtration Or Heat.

    So this one device does your heating and filtration. That to me sounds like you have all your eggs in one basket. Why not take the opertunity to purchase a new heater and filter which don't reply on each other to function. Then get your original filter working on monday. This way, you have...
  21. J

    Moon Lights

    Hi I have just upgraded my tank to a RIO 400. My old tank use to have BLue Neon tubes for moon lighting. Due to the design of the RIO tanks, I am unable to use the neon bulbs. Can anyone recommend a way to install a moon light?. Something that is powerful enough for a 400Litre tank. Thanks...
  22. J


    Thanks for the reply. Where would I get filter floss from. I will go to LFS and see I uprated my tubes last night. Wow, the fish have more colours on them now and really shine :-) Still looks misty at the back of the tank.
  23. J


    Thanks for the reply Water Parameters are excellent. PH is 6.5 >What other fish are in the tank? Silver sharks (2 of them) 4 Angles 2 plecs 2 x cuckoo catfish Mollies guppies > What size is the tank? RIO 400 Litres > How long has it been setup? 1 year. The fish seem happy and swimming...
  24. J


    Thanks for the reply Now, I need to tubes. Should I ask LFS for one which will help me grow the plants and one so I can see the fish? The one for plants goes at the back and the one for fish goes at the front - correct?. Thanks James
  25. J

    Internal / External / Undergravel Filters

    I upgraded my tank to a RIO 400. I used the standard internal filter that came with the tank and also use an external 304 system. So far the tank has been running for 3 weeks and I have not needed to clean the filters out. The tank is also well stocked. James
  26. J


    Hi Thankyou very much. It was an interesting read I am going to invest in some lights tonight. I will keep the original tubes just incase one of the new one blows. Does anyone know how long a RIO 400 tube is?. I forgot to look when I noted the information down - doh James
  27. J

    Juwel lighting

    Hi I have a RIO 400 tank, and I find you can't see the fish if they are at the back. I am gonna change my tubes tonight James
  28. J


    Hi Has any got a RIO 400 tank and used the standard tubes?. I have yellowish sand, and plain black background. The tank has been setup for a few weeks now (this tank was an upgade from a smaller tank). I have given it 3 weeks and I find the water not very clear. A bit cloudy, but I am not...
  29. J


    Hi One of my two discuss looks like it has white spot, none of the other fish have it Can I use normal white spot treatment with the discuss?. I have upped them temp to 79 Thanks James
  30. J

    Gravel & Fluorescent Tubes

    Hi Thanks for the reply guys I am running the standard bulbs at the moment but will upgrade to the ones mentioned above soon as the water looks yellowish I have just brought relectors I have used yellowish sand I have used plain black backdrop Cheers James :thumbs:
  31. J

    Fuuny Thing My Fish Does

    I know what you mean. If I put prawns in the tank, you can here the sharks sucking on then. Even when they are at the bottom of the tank. My sharks also jump out of the water for food.
  32. J

    What Catfish Is This?

    Wow, Looks like I am going to have some fun then doesn't it. Now I know why he gave it to me. They guy saihe was getting rid of the fish and said could I take it on. When it gets bigger, I'll just have to cook and eat it for diner :lol: (joking) I am going to be getting a RIO 400 tank...
  33. J

    What Catfish Is This?

    It looks like the first one, except it's alot smaller so the face looks different. Mine is also Jetblack Thanks James
  34. J

    What Catfish Is This?

    Not yet. I will be getting my new tank tomorrow, so I will take some then. James
  35. J

    What Catfish Is This?

    Hi I was given a catfish (it was a baby and has grown an inch in a month) The catfish is black and looks like a proper catfish. It's tail is turning red. Any ideas?. Thanks
  36. J

    Gravel & Fluorescent Tubes

    Hi My new RIO 400 tanks comes tomorrow :D Now, I forgot about the gravel. What colour should I get so I can have a nice bright tank?. Also, I heard the two Fluorescent Tubes that come with the tank are rubbish. What should I replace these with?. I am going to have natural plants in there so...
  37. J

    Fluval 304 Difficulties

    Yup, as everyone else suggests, put your :* (lips) over the exit pipe and suck, suck and suck. Thats the only way I can get mine going. Has anyone ever had trapped air in there's?. You know when you see the filter blowing air bubbles out in to the tank water.
  38. J

    New Rio 400 Tank

    Hi, Thanks for the two replies. I have an external filter which I am going to put on as we'll as the internal one. My external filter has been running on my old tank for 6 months now. F 304. I heard the base will come flat packed. Any hints and tips on putting it together?. James
  39. J

    New Rio 400 Tank

    Hi I have just brought a new fish tank (Rio 400). It's coming on Thursday :D How often should I do water changes, and how much water should I change at one time?. On my old tank, I do 25% once aweek. That tank is 100 Litres. Got to say, my 100Litre tank is packed out with plants and...
  40. J

    My Catfish is not well

    Hi Thanks for the replies. I read the URL's, and that does appear to be my problem. The catfish doesn't have scales, so I cannot give it a salt bath right?. Can I put some melolean (Spelling) blue directly on the white spot?. Thanks James