Fuuny Thing My Fish Does


Sep 3, 2005
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I have 2 long finned and 3 regular black tetras in a long 20g (see my sig) and when I fed them they come up and literally maul the food and when the come up and attack the food they splash water all over the place :lol: and sometimes I get sprinkled with water while I'm watching them. Does anyone else have a funny story of what their fish do when you feed them?
My goldfish do that, but they do a big splash.
When My Cichlids eat the flakes, the come to the top, and when the suck in the flakes, the get alot of air, so all thesew bublescome out of their gills.
Its a little creep, but also kindof cool...
Be careful that they don't jump out. I had a serpae tetra jump out of the tank last weekend while I had the top open getting ready to do a water change. i saw a quick flash and hear a little splash. I though it was just one of the corys making a run to the top for air as they sometimes do. I finished cutting the filter and heater off, turned around and there he lay on the carpet. i put him back in and he's doing fine. But he was out of there in a flash.
I always watch them as they eat just to make sure they don't jump out as fast as they go up to the top to eat.
My old oscar jumped out a week ago when I was about to feed the fish, luckily my dog thought it was a treat, smelled it, then ran away when it squiggled on the ground.
My dwarf gourami's let me know it's feeding time by splashing the water surface. They come up and flick water at the lid of the tank.
My silver shark make a loud cracking noise when they feed on flakes on the surface. Its amazing that something so small can make so much noise :D
My Red Fire Eel sticks his head out of the water and bobbs it up and down. Would be really cute, but he kinda scares me when he comes out of the water. He also makes a funny popping noise with his mouth when he is begging for food.

My Oscar doesnt like me to turn the lights off in my room. When I do he swims up into the lid and bangs it open. I broke down and got him a night light and I am sleeping much much better now.
You got a night light for your fish...? You don't want to be confessing to that at work!!
My silver shark make a loud cracking noise when they feed on flakes on the surface. Its amazing that something so small can make so much noise :D

I know what you mean. If I put prawns in the tank, you can here the sharks sucking on then. Even when they are at the bottom of the tank.

My sharks also jump out of the water for food.
You got a night light for your fish...? You don't want to be confessing to that at work!!

I feel so judged :p

lol I don't talk about my fish at work. Normal people just dont understand. For me this is kinda like an AA group only FA instead. :D

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