What Catfish Is This?


Fish Fanatic
Oct 19, 2004
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I was given a catfish (it was a baby and has grown an inch in a month)

The catfish is black and looks like a proper catfish. It's tail is turning red.

Any ideas?.

Hmmmm, that sounds ominous, does it look like a smaller version of this http://www.planetcatfish.com/catelog/bagri...mibagr/19_f.php or this http://www.planetcatfish.com/catelog/bagri...ibagr/801_f.php or this http://www.planetcatfish.com/catelog/pimel...actoc/305_f.php

These are all known as redtail catfish in the trade, the first two are from Asia and are well known for their antisocial behaviour toward any other living creatures, the third is the South American redtail which is a peacefull fish but grows to around 4 feet and will eat anything its mouth fits around, including heaters, filters and ornaments.
Hmmmm, that sounds ominous, does it look like a smaller version of this http://www.planetcatfish.com/catelog/bagri...mibagr/19_f.php or this http://www.planetcatfish.com/catelog/bagri...ibagr/801_f.php or this http://www.planetcatfish.com/catelog/pimel...actoc/305_f.php

These are all known as redtail catfish in the trade, the first two are from Asia and are well known for their antisocial behaviour toward any other living creatures, the third is the South American redtail which is a peacefull fish but grows to around 4 feet and will eat anything its mouth fits around, including heaters, filters and ornaments.

It looks like the first one, except it's alot smaller so the face looks different. Mine is also Jetblack


That would be a juvinile of Hemibagrus wykioides, as they grow the black fades to a more metalic grey colour.

Congratulations, you are the proud owner of a specimin of the worlds most aggressive freshwater fish :hyper:

What size tank do you have it in? If you plan to keep it then its going to need a tank of at least 12 feet long and 4 feet wide within the next 5 years.
:rofl: Holy smeg! Got yourself a right one there. Wish all the luck in the world. *Looks happily at her small slow growing cats who are so docile they don't even chase platie fry. :wub: *
:rofl: Holy smeg! Got yourself a right one there. Wish all the luck in the world. *Looks happily at her small slow growing cats who are so docile they don't even chase platie fry. :wub: *

Wow, Looks like I am going to have some fun then doesn't it. Now I know why he gave it to me. They guy saihe was getting rid of the fish and said could I take it on.

When it gets bigger, I'll just have to cook and eat it for diner :lol: (joking)

I am going to be getting a RIO 400 tank tomorrow, but some how, I think I have to pass this fish on to someone else :-(


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