Gravel & Fluorescent Tubes


Fish Fanatic
Oct 19, 2004
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My new RIO 400 tanks comes tomorrow :D

Now, I forgot about the gravel. What colour should I get so I can have a nice bright tank?.

Also, I heard the two Fluorescent Tubes that come with the tank are rubbish. What should I replace these with?. I am going to have natural plants in there so I want them to look good - I also want my fish to look good.

Also, I am thinking about having a backdrop on the back of the tank. Would plain black be good choice.

Any recomendations?.


James :)
Replace the tubes with tubes of full spectrum anywhere between 5500k and 7000k will give the tank a natural daylight look, over or under this kelvin rating and you will get colour casts which may not be pleasing to the eye for viewing purposes.

Good tubes to pick from would be......

Hagen Life Glo 6700k-Bright cool white hue

Interpet Daylight plus 6500k-Pure white (my personal pick)

Zoo Med Ultra Sun 6500k-Bright cool white hue

Zoo Med Tropic Sun 5500k-Warm white hue

Arcadia Freshwater 7500k-Cool white with greenish hue

Any of those above would be good choices and you wouldnt go far wrong, and are all suitable for growing plants.
I agree with zig on the lighting front. Use reflectors too.

Ensure you choose lime free gravel unless you intend keeping hard water species i.e. Malawis or livebearers. Personally I like a darker substrate and background (black is ideal, it's what I use) as this provides a nice contrast to the fish and plants/decor. Darker substrates also provide greater security for the fish.
I agree with zig on the lighting front. Use reflectors too.

Ensure you choose lime free gravel unless you intend keeping hard water species i.e. Malawis or livebearers. Personally I like a darker substrate and background (black is ideal, it's what I use) as this provides a nice contrast to the fish and plants/decor. Darker substrates also provide greater security for the fish.


Thanks for the reply guys

I am running the standard bulbs at the moment but will upgrade to the ones mentioned above soon as the water looks yellowish

I have just brought relectors

I have used yellowish sand

I have used plain black backdrop


James :thumbs:

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