Severum Vs Oscar

Which do you prefer?

  • Oscar

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Severum

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Fish Fanatic
Oct 19, 2004
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I have some really nice looking severums and my dad has some really nice looking Oscars.

I was wondering, if you have the choice again, which fish would you go for and why?

Serv's don't seem to be popular for some reason. Not sure why as they can be quite colourful.

Here are some photo's my a few of my Severums

Can you tell the SEX of this one?



This is a baby. I would like to know what type of Sev he/she is.


Another Young one.

The top sev looks to be a male but it doesn't have the elongated fins. i like sevs better for the beauty and the general peaceful attitude. Oscars are wonderful fish, but are relatively dark in color for my liking, but I do like the oscars puppy dog personality. Overall definitely the sev is my favorite, had both oscars and sevs myself.
I've had both as well. I prefer Oscars since i like the personality and I like the fact that they are fast growing.
fast growing is appealing to alot of people, but for me the fast growing trait was overwhelming with their insatiable appetite. a good thing about oscars is that the feeding of live food was very interesting. sevs after a while can eat live food but it takes a long time for growth, but the stunning color is worth it.
Having kept both, oscars take it for me. They have better personalities in my opinion and I've always had a soft spot for them.
the top 2 pic are of a male. the third pic might be a male but i would need a better/closer pic to tell for sure. and the rotkiel is probably a female.

as to which i like better...i couldn't choose i have both at the moment and i like them both for different reasons
the sevs are beautiful, but has to be an oscar.. whats characters they are! *smiles to self as i think what a bugger Jambo is :)
I definitely think that Severums are underrated and at this moment in time they just beat the Oscar for me.
Although both win hands down for me compared to the majority of other commonly available species
I definitely think that Severums are underrated and at this moment in time they just beat the Oscar for me.
Although both win hands down for me compared to the majority of other commonly available species

So basically Oscars have better charactors while Servs look alot better :drool:

It was quite interesting to see the results.
Has to be Severums as they still look nice when they are large where as oscars loose there looks with age. Now argue that and oscar looks better than my 2 Rokteils.



I prefer Severums - they have such adorable faces and friendly personality.

BTW, I think the 3rd pic down is of a Golden Severum.

Sevs for me too_Oscar's have a bit more character but sevs are much nicer to watch.

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