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    wood/fan/singapore shrimp

    whatever you wanna call them...the wood shrimp that are about 3" and instead of claws they have fans through which they filter feed, anyways...does anyone have them? The petstore here has a bunch of them, they *claim* that they are harmless but what do they know -_- They will be in with my...
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    buy an electric one off ebay. they go for like 20 bucks now. Its REALLY great because they are totally acurate and most have alarms that go off if the water gets too hot/cold. :thumbs:
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    penguin tetras

    I had this problem with my silver tipped tetras. I started out with 6 and they just attacked eachother constantly. Well one got sucked up into the filter intake (my fault :/ ) and I went and bought 5 more -for a total of 10 for those of you who slept in math class... After i got more they...
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    freshwater sharks arent really true sharks, dont let the name mislead you. My nicest fish are my bala sharks and my irridescent sharks (which are actually catfish)...BY FAR my hamless tetras are WAY bigger a**holes than my "sharks". So, yes sharks can go in community tanks, as long as your tank...
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    Tenecor products

    i have the 170 bow with the black unitex stand/canopy. I definately am pleased with tenecor, although i did not opt for their simplicity filtration system, and am using my own filters etc. If you got the simplicity, i would only add to it if your tank was really overstocked.
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    Floating frog

    you will come to find that dwarf frogs take life very easy and just sort of hang around in all sorts of positions. Id say about the first month I had them, I dunno how many times i stuck my hand in the tank and poked them thinking they were surely dead...but no. also...they should NOT ever be...
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    You can tell the fishs age by ..........

    :huh: i have learned absolutely nothing from this post.
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    Clay Pot

    yeah id nix the varnish idea. you dont even know what kind of chemicals you can be introducing to your tank. just drop some white vinegar on the pot, if it fizzes youve got limestone, and I would just look for another pot.
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    Non-fishy aquarium dwellers

    I would suggest snails. Apple snails are in almost every petstore or you can buy the really nice blue, ivory, and yellow ones online. You can put as many snails as you want to in your tank, if youre worried about breeding thats snails lay their eggs above water, they are quite...
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    freshwater clams

    has anyone ever had freshwater clams before. I keep seeing them on ebay and I am SO tempted to buy them because i think they would go perfectly in my oddball tank, but I cant find any information on them anywhere....SO i was hoping maybe at least one person has had them before :unsure: ? I was...
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    freshwater tank that looks like saltwater..

    yeah i think any shrimp would only be a roomate for about an hour or so, anything after that and it will just be considered a tasty snack. my crayfish is pushing 6 inches.
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    freshwater tank that looks like saltwater..

    My blue crayfish is moving on to bigger and better places and will be relocating from his 12 gallon eclipse, to a 30 gallon tank. It will just be him and his little gold snail roomate in the tank. I was already going to buy crushed coral as the substrate (not the finely crushed gravel, but the...
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    Tiger Barbs

    i agree that tiger barbs and other "schooling" fish like to be in large groups, but I have 4 tiger barbs and they are fine to eachother, and havent ONCE nipped another fish's fins. I think the key is S P A C E. 10 gallons may be too small for them, especially once they are full grown, and they...
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    silver-tipped shark

    in my years and years of fish keeping the only time Ive ever had an ick outbreak originated from a silver tipped shark i had bought 1 month prior. I believe they are supposed to be brackish and then eventually marine, although most pet stores sell them as freshwater and never say...
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    do fish sleep?

    our fighter used to lay inside this seashell on his side all the time, just like he was sleeping. my puffers also soon as the lights go out they just sit on their leaf until the lights come back on.
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    Algae eaters

    the package prolly says to only feed one a day because there is so much roughage in them, its not enough nutrition for your fish. By algae eater im not sure what fish your talking about, but you can try feeding them cucumbers. Just buy these suction cup veggie clips at the pet store and attach...
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    Upside down Raphael cat

    well your spotted raphael is scaleless and you should have used medication that was safe for scaleless fish.
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    New 72 Gallon Bowfront Tank

    for a filter get the filstar xp3 do not buy fluval do not buy fluval do not buy fluval
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    Damn Cat

    you can try this or this...
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    cat owners(felines)

    my two cats just used to drink the water in my beta tank. They also like to sit on top of my big tank, and leave the occasional back claw scratch mark on the acrylic when they are jumping up there.
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    kuhli loaches

    its been done only a very VERY few times, reportedly in very heavily planted tanks.
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    kuhli loaches

    that sounds like a kuhli loach, weather loaches look entirely different. I personally would buy more, since they just occupy the bottom of the tank only you really dont have to worry much about overcrowding your tank. At least get 3 more. Mine all like to snuggle up and it looks like they...
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    any one saw the u.d catfish before?

    the true standard issue upside down catfish only get 4" I have a bunch of them. You should know however, they are nocturnal, so you prolly wont see them much.
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    The tropical Frogs

    if your frog is a true dwarf frog it will not get big. Dwarf frogs max out at about 1 inch. Now if your frog doesnt have any webbing on its feet and they look almost like fingers, then you have a clawed frog, which are notorious for growing up and eating your fish. here is a picture of my...
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    Pictus Catfish

    ive had my pictus for a long time now and it stopped growing at about 5". Just about every site says they get different sizes 10" 4" blah blah...From MY experience they stop at 5. I have also never had mine eat any other smaller fish, like some websites suggest they have the tendency to do. 33...
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    Another dead fish

    take the agressive fish out of the tank for a couple of days or even a week if you can, rearrange the rocks before you reintroduce them and everything should work out fine. It worked for me and I now have a 8" cichlid living peacefully with tetras less than 1".
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    What catfish should i get???

    id get coolie loaches. very small and very unusual looking indeed. i have mine in a 12 gallon eclipse and they are ever so content, and people ALWAYS ask what they are.
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    try leaving out a slice of cucumber with a vegetable clip at night. wait about 4 hours after ALL of the lights are off, and you will have a collection of snails on the cucumber slice. repeat.
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    Lobsters and Crabs

    for starters your lobster should be in water that is 72 degrees, anything warmer will kill it. It will eat anything it can catch, and they seem to like to hunt at night especially. I have never heard of any long term success stories of lobsters and fish living together. I have mine in his own...
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    you can try raising and feeding them live daphnia. many times puffers wont eat something unless it wiggles.
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    Tank mates for Dwarf Puffers?

    my dwarf puffers dont mind the frogs at all, and are much more interested in eachother than anything. if your albino frog is a clawed frog (not a dwarf frog) i wouldnt think it would go well with puffers at all, and will probably eventually eat them.
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    My sharks haven't grown very much.

    try feeding more frozen foods. Mine especially like beef heart, bloodworms, and krill. I also feed them these jumbo shrimps those may be too big for 4" balas so maybe opt for the smaller ones, but they sure love them and they float for a LONG time so its hard to overfeed.
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    i feed mine 2 or 3 times a day. if youre worried about overfeeding maybe get a little clean up crew of bottom feeders? i have coolie loaches, dwarf frogs, and ghost shrimp and i hardly have to clean the substrate at all. snails work as well.
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    Over grown

    dont worry i wont lecture you...i have 2 irridescent sharks and was fooled by the petco description "only gets 8 inches". EVEN THEN....there is NO solid information on them online. Every place says they get a different size, so even research doesnt always help. They are very jumpy yes...
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    Tank mates for Dwarf Puffers?

    i have my dwarf puffs in a sort of oddball tank. they seem to do quite well, and there hasnt been any conflicts. I think it may be because all of the other tankmates take up the bottom of the tank where the dwarfs rarely go down to. I just have the two dwarf puffers with 4 coolie loaches, 5...
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    The case of the so called mussels

    the problem with clams and mussels is that when they want to breed they release LARGE amounts of sperm into the water which pollutes it very quickly, i think that may be your "silver pee" problem. if they are indeed dead they will stink just like dead snails do. Also if they are staying closed...
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    Ghost shrimp turning white

    ghost shrimp turn white just before moulting, usually their joints are almost solid white. They can also turn white (usually ive noticed with tan or grey spots) before they die. After they die they turn grey and eventually pink. If your g.s. hasnt moved for more than a few hours id say its...
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    Over-run with snails

    Coolie loaches will eat those snails, and they only get about 4 inches tops. They are also very unusual looking fish and most people who see mine call them eels. They are such good snail hunters that I never even know i have a snail in my tank until i see one of them munchin on one.
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    I'm new..

    I would not keep tiger barbs in a 5 gallon. They usually need to be in larger groups because the males can be very agressive when they go to mate and often times they will single out other males and harass them to death, and when they are in small groups they are also very nippy towards other...
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    well when you say that its floating like that, it sounds to me like some sort of swimbladder disorder, although they usually cause a fish to sink. Theres no real cure for swimbladder disease, all you can do is feed roughage (shrimps with indigestible shells are good like brine, mysis, etc) The...