Ghost shrimp turning white


New Member
Apr 17, 2003
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I have two and one is clear and fine, the other I noticed was white this morning (but still walking around and eating) now I think he's dead. I'm holding off on scooping him yet incase it's molting or something, but I think he's gone.

Anyone know what's going on? What causes them to turn white?
I sometimes feed my newt, river shrimp, which are origianally clear, but ALWAYS go white within minutes of death.

So I would assume it has died, if so then you need to move it from the tank like yesterday so precent ammonia going up.

btw, nice picture of botia striata, mine recently laid eggs, but my corys (aka) egg hoovers ate them all.
I had one stuck to the filter intake the other morning , he was still alive but the whitest white so I just knocked him off of it really quick and he walked around white for awhile but soon returned to it's original color, maybe it's a stress thing...
ghost shrimp turn white just before moulting, usually their joints are almost solid white. They can also turn white (usually ive noticed with tan or grey spots) before they die. After they die they turn grey and eventually pink. If your g.s. hasnt moved for more than a few hours id say its time for a proper burial at the porcelain palace (aka toilet).

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