do fish sleep?


Fish Addict
Jun 2, 2003
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do fish sleep????

1 of my fighters often looks dead at the bottom of the tank for hours so when i go to fish her out she swims away.....i always think she's dead coz even her gills dont move

she seems in good health tho so i dont think anything is wrong with her
i think yes fish do sleep. according to sesamie street everything thats alive sleeps. they do this test to see if something is alive. they say does it breath does it eat does it drink does it sleep ... yes? then its alive. but strictly speaking this had me yelling at my t.v. as im shure bactiria doesnt sleep.

edit : i dont think bacteria breaths ither
Yes...My Puffers go to bed before the lights go out at night, just curl up under or on a leaf and they're out....they don't get up until 10 mins after the lights come on in the morning :D
Yep! :D Most of my fish wake up after lights out and sleep when the lights come on! ;)

our fighter used to lay inside this seashell on his side all the time, just like he was sleeping. my puffers also soon as the lights go out they just sit on their leaf until the lights come back on.

I think I am correct in saying, (some one jump in if I am wrong), that all fish sleep. Sleeping is jusat slowing down of the bodyly functions, heart rate, breathing, etc. Real sharks, sleep when still swiming. If they stoped swiming they would not be able to pass water over their gills, and thus die. But most fish just find a place to be, and then sleep.

With my discus and angels, it takes them about ten mins after the lights are turned on to wake up fully, and then it is back to, when is the food comming in to the water, and where's my partner...
A betta I used to have in a Juwel tank used to swim up to the filter intake, let it suck him onto it and then sleep there for a few hours, a nice comfy dark spot in the corner I suppose!! :lol:
i agree fish do sleep 1 of my goldfish goes to bed at 10pm every night, while everyone else is still swimming around!!! then the rest of the party slowly go bed from about 11pm and then they are wide awake and sloshing at the feeding hole at 5.30am!!!!!!!!!!! until i drag myself out of bed to feed them.

i guess no rest for the wicked ay.

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