

Fish Addict
Jun 2, 2003
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can sharks go into a community tank????

i saw an albino rainbow shark today but the girl in the shop wouldnt let me buy it coz i had a community tank

Tek :fish:

oh.....and whats the best sunstrate for a 180 litre tank?
i have seen them in with fairly large fish or in with comunity while juveanile but wouldnt sugest them personally for general comunity just because i dont know whats in ure tank.
edit : sand
freshwater sharks arent really true sharks, dont let the name mislead you. My nicest fish are my bala sharks and my irridescent sharks (which are actually catfish)...BY FAR my hamless tetras are WAY bigger a**holes than my "sharks".
So, yes sharks can go in community tanks, as long as your tank is big enough. Some are more agressive than others....i e the black shark. Another thing to keep in mind is most sharks are more active and jumpy than most fish, so I may not put them with slower fish that may become more stressed by so much jumpin around. They also like a lot of room to swim, so if your tank is heavily planted/decorated make sure to leave room up front so they can swim back and forth unobstructed.
What kind of other fish do you have in the tank? Im sure a rainbow shark would do fine with things like tiger barbs or even tetras, i just wouldnt recomend slower more peaceful fish.
ive got pangosiouse i think i spelled it wrong but i mean to say ive got irridescant sharks also they are a little scaredy and they get very big :(
You go back to that fish lady and tell her she is wrong! My blue gourami is way meaner than my red-tail! Sure, they get agressive towards their own species, but generally they keep to themselves in community tanks, as long as you have lots of hidey spots. This goes for other "sharks" too - they are good for community tanks, but it just depends on the fish! They do have their own personalities. Like I said - my red-tail just loves swimming around with all of my other fish, and the blue gourami just hates everyones guts! :)
well i sugest that before you buy a shark you look it up using the search function located at the top of the website . this way you can check to see if it will fit in the tank and if it will getalong with the other fish as they do a little profile on each of the sharks so far as i know.

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