here goes the mini lesson on cichlids. cichlids are great fish, very active and not just your sit on the bottom of the tank kind of species. they can be tricky for the beginner but nothing like getting your feet wet with cichlids. cichlids, imo, are the less fussiest and most forgiving. when if first started keeping fish i did not know that you had to clean the tank til 6 months later
fortunately everyone survived and can now tell you that the pretty red one is a pseudotropheus estherae and the bully is a melanochromis chippokae. there is something new to learn everyday with cichlids.
africans come mainly from three lakes in africa. malawis from lake malawi, tangs from lake tanganaykia and vics from lake victoria. malawis are broken down into two groups, mbuna (um-BOO-na) meaning rockfish and utaka meaning open water dwellers. utaka are generally less aggressive and larger than mbuna.
one of the advantages of the mbuna is that you can overstock your tank, with proper filtration without causing harm to the fish. in fact the more the aquarium is overstocked the less the aggression. the males are more brightly colored than the females. to also lessen the aggression, the ratio of males to females should be 1 male to every 3 females. mbuna are also easier to sex than other fish as the males will have different coloring than the females.
mbuna tanks can be very beautiful. george reclos' tanks are breathtaking! here is a link to some of the pics of his mbuna tanks.
mbuna are notorious for digging. plants have to be well secured in the tank, but it can be done. that is for later.
cichlids are also good for high ph water as this is their natural environment. most city water has a ph of about 7.5 or so. cichlids are well suited to this ph.
once you know the ph of your water post it. did any equipment come with the tank? i use the magnum on my tanks and they do a great job. if you like there are some pics of my fish in the member's section.
feel free to ask any and all questions. beware though, you may get a book!
semper fi