Search results

  1. L

    Fish Deaths!!

    I just did a search on fish wasting deaths and came up with this : and this:
  2. L

    Bacterial Bloom?

    There's a lot of sense in Puck's answer there. "Too many cooks spoil the broth" All of these well intentioned responses, but sometimes, you just need to sit on your hands and wait things out. If the fish don't appear stressed- you have the luxury of doing that.
  3. L

    Starting Over

    Your water changes look fine to me. The carbon: Ok, this has long been a pet peeve of mine. The manufacturers of these filters make these little bags that we have to throw away in order to change- so they make more $$ of course! What I do is this: I cut very carefully along the top of the bag...
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    Fat Fish

    Picture yourself after that huge Thanksgiving meal and you'll know exactly how she feels. Unlike you however, she can't loosen her belt!! Your fish will be absolutely fine if you don't feed for a few days. When trying to cycle this last tank, I only fed once every four days to keep the nitrite...
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    Starting Over

    Personally, I don't think starting over is the way to go with this tank. "Starting over" is what caused these problems in the first place. When you do your water changes, how much water are you changing exactly? And (most important) are you neutralizing the clorine before you add the new stuff...
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    Do I Have A Sick Fish?

    Your fish store that told you you didn't need the master kit was wrong. Get it and test your water yourself. Whenever I've had a fish at the surface like that, I've increased oxygen however I can. Put your airstones on, fresh carbon in your filter and a little water change will do wonders.
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    Yeah..tough to cycle a tank with fish waiting in a bucket!! I agree through, that gravel from the other tank and filter medium if you can grab it will do wonders! Glad to hear the outcome seems favourable thus far!
  8. L


    Ugh..You have my UTmost sympathies. Our washing machine hose broke last year and flooded the entire first floor of our house. We had to call emergency personel to come in and vacum out all the water but I had done exactly what you've been doing with my own steam cleaner and it did a great job...
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    oscar not eating

    I'm truly sorry to read this Thomas. Very very sorry. My condolences.
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    oscar not eating

    I'd suggest you up the salt there Thomas. It's getting to the point where you're going to have little to lose here. She's been ill a long time and different things aren't working. Follow the advice from that other poster and get more salt in the tank. This is only MY opinion, but time's running...
  11. L

    Filter Problems

    Are they really small fish? If so, perhaps they can't swim against the pull of the filter. When I had fry in a tank, I used to cut a piece of panyhose to fit over the intake. Attach it with a rubber band and keep it on until the fish are big enough to swim past the flow. The other thing might...
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    oscar not eating

    Ok, It's the eighth Thomas...what's happening?
  13. L

    oscar not eating

    Tap water with a too high ph: Do you have a Brita filter jug or know someone who does? I tested my own water after it went through the Brita and it had greatly reduced the ph. I'm thinking, you could use one of those to bring down ph without adding any chemicals.... (I confess... I'm really...
  14. L

    oscar not eating

    I honestly don't think it has anything to do with your ph. Oscars in my experience have never been that picky about ph. I would still suggest water changes before I started putting salt in the water. Before I started putting ANYthing in that water. LOTS and lots of water changes with Stress...
  15. L

    oscar not eating

    Ok, what I'd do if this were my oscar is the following: Do another water change and be SURE the water is conditioned properly and you add stress coat to it. Put an airstone in that tank. If she's having trouble breathing, and that's what it sure looks like, this should help a little. Also, if...
  16. L

    Miracle Beam Laser Lights for tank

    I can't believe they'd be good for your fish. We're always told not to aim those lasers at anyone's face..imagine swimming through?.. This is just my opinion, but I don't think they're a great idea.
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    Angel in Trouble

    Have you checked the water parameters? How about a partial water change? Done that? I'd suggest that right off the top of my head because you've been away and anything could have happened.
  18. L

    fight between my convict pair!

    Did a little reading and found these two sites. Perhaps something can help you there.
  19. L

    Weird Fur

    What colour is it? Are you sure it isn't a form of algae you haven't seen before? Do a little search on for pictures of algae and see if you can't recognize it.
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    Problems with the firemouth cichlid

    Ok, I did a little search on the web and came up with these. Have a read... This site explains a few symptoms of lHexamita Synonym Octomitus like : Symptoms that you can recognize, are white thread like feces that adhere to the fish...
  21. L


    you *just* moved them. Give them time to acclimate and try not to stress too much. They can go quite a while without eating. By the way, what are you feeding? and I doubt highly that the absence of the pleco makes any difference to them.
  22. L

    Are Dwarf cichlids suitable for community tanks?

    A quick search on the web turned up this on the Macmaster's Dwarf cichlid : Temperment Peaceful Sociability pairs Min. Tank 15 gallons A native of the Orinoco River basin, these Dwarf Cichlids should be kept in an aquarium stocked with plenty of plants and rocks for...
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    You don't mention what type of cichlid but as a rule: No, they aren't. They are aggressive fish and will make every other fish in the tank miserable.
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    Sure! I'd love to see them, Oscars hold a special spot in my heart. I'll PM you my addy.
  25. L


    You need a bigger tank ASAP. In the interm, make sure you are making frequent water changes (I believe you said you were). You also mentioned you have other tanks, can you clear one of those to house one of the oscars alone for a while?
  26. L


    Look in the chit chat forum. There's a guy from London trying to give a tank away. It's not as big as you need but it would work to seperate them for now until you can find that big tank! Scratch that- I just saw where you said you're from.
  27. L


    Read the rest of the post.
  28. L


    You don't mention how big they are. A *lot* of what you're asking depends on their size. You can keep two 3 inch oscars in a 40 gallon with no real problems, but a pair of 12 inchers is another story. secondly: I used to breed Oscars so I know a little of which I'm speaking here: the male and...
  29. L

    my indian sucker algae eater thingy

    Well, you can be annoyed at me if you want to. From his original post it appeared he was at a dead end as to what to do with the fish. Thinking he had no recourse (giving it to LFS etc.) I suggested what I thought was his only option. If it was me, and I had no options and one fish was sucking...
  30. L

    my indian sucker algae eater thingy

    You have to kill it. There are various humane methods for this. One that I recently read (and I'm not sure how well it works) is to place clove oil and water in a bowl. Place the fish in the bowl. He will fall asleep. (they use clove oil in surgeries for them- so I read) Leave him in the bowl...
  31. L

    Aquatronics Myacin Killed My $100+ Fish

    I just called them at this number I got off their site. Are these the folks? Aquatronics Headquarters PO Box 2457 Oxnard, CA 93034 800-350-2616 toll free 805-486-2616 phone 805-486-2491 fax Sales Office Jennifer Clausen [email protected] 800-350-2616 toll free 805-486-2616 phone...
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    Re-Modeling My Tank

    A lot more gravel would give you the impression the tank was wider. I like lots of gravel, piled up in natural waves along the bottom of the tank. Maybe scooped up into one corner at the back even. It gives the tank a "deeper" look.
  33. L

    Whats your dream tank??

    Discus! Those real bright yellow ones. I'd start with about 5 babies and when they paired off, keep two to breed. (but I've always liked doing the breeding thing- there's so much satisfaction in raising the fry)
  34. L

    Raise your hand...

    I don't, but my male Golden Retriever does! He's fascinated by this little ten gallon and sits in front of it for ages on end. Eventually he gets fed up and starts grumbling very quietly to the oranda (dubbed Trooper now because he lived through the cycle). After a few grumbles, he lets out a...
  35. L

    Cannister Filter

    I'm currently setting up a 70 gallon tank (Starphire!) and am having a devil of a time choosing the equipment. It's been 10 years since I last kept a fish tank and the advances in the technology are quite frankly, overwhelming! After much reading and weighing the options, I am leaning towards...
  36. L

    Undergravel filter users

    If you have your ratios right ie: the right size gravel, the right amount of flow, the right amount of food fed, the right amount of fish in the tank- your undergravel filter WILL work properly. I'm a witness to that. And I fed beefheart to those Oscars, along with many other "messy" foods...
  37. L

    Aquatronics Myacin Killed my $100+ Fish

    Go over this jerk's head. (find out his name) WRITE the company and include what you've written here AND that jerk's response. Tell them what you want in compensation, don't wiffle around that, tell them HOW disapointed you were in the product and that rep's response. I'll bet you get a...
  38. L

    Undergravel filter users

    Ok, here's the thing- I know a lot of you highly regard those over-the-wall things so I won't malign them unduly but- I kept many tanks for many many years with underground filters with *excellent* success. I could never say that for the over the wall filter tanks I kept. Example: I had a 100...