
But I am 14 and don't make enough to keep buying all these tanks and my dad says we have enough so I am not really aloud to buy anymore. They are not really hurting eachother that badly. Like a lil nible here and there.
Whether you are 14 or not, those fish need a tank triple what you have them in, as CFC said in the other thread, you need 70gallons to hold just one. What may be a nibble now will get worse and worse as they grow to 12"+. They are very messy fish so need a lot of water to dilute waste as well as a lot of room from being pysically large and aggressive.

If you have no other option you might be best to take them back to the shop or rehome them.
Cheese Specialist said:
Whether you are 14 or not, those fish need a tank triple what you have them in, as CFC said in the other thread, you need 70gallons to hold just one. What may be a nibble now will get worse and worse as they grow to 12"+. They are very messy fish so need a lot of water to dilute waste as well as a lot of room from being pysically large and aggressive.

If you have no other option you might be best to take them back to the shop or rehome them.
Cheese Specialist talks alot of sense IMO.

Do a bit of research on the net and see what that brings up.
I was always under the impression that you could keep one in a 55 gallon without a problem. Try seeing if you can find a tank that someone's willing to get rid of for a nice price or if someone you know has a tank big enough that they could babysit them for a little. Other than that I'd have to say they'll need to go to new homes. how big is the tank they are in now and how big are they?
You don't mention how big they are. A *lot* of what you're asking depends on their size. You can keep two 3 inch oscars in a 40 gallon with no real problems, but a pair of 12 inchers is another story.

secondly: I used to breed Oscars so I know a little of which I'm speaking here: the male and female, though a mated pair devoted to each other, will do this "kissing" action you're talking about. No one really gets hurt and if you watch them closely you can usually tell what's going on. There's a BIG difference between a fight, and normal mating behaviour. You can usually tell if one has "kill" on the brain because it doesn't end with a little "kiss". There's a lot of angry tail flipping....I'd love to see a pic of these fish to see if they are indeed male and female. It looks like a wrestling match and if their a good sized fish, they can displace a lot of water while they're doing this. It's scary to the owner at first.

I agree with the others who say try to get a larger tank. You'd be amazed how cheaply you can find big tanks if you search hard enough. I just bought a 70 gallon for $50.00. (that's 27 pounds to you) Make a deal with your dad- offer to trade in one or TWO of your smaller ones- say the 30 and another if he'll let you get a bigger one. If you do decide to breed them, (if you have a pair) it's one of the most rewarding experiences a fish keeper can have IMO. They're amazing parents and fascinating to watch.
Lorelei said:
You don't mention how big they are. A *lot* of what you're asking depends on their size. You can keep two 3 inch oscars in a 40 gallon with no real problems, but a pair of 12 inchers is another story.

and what about when they grow?
You need a bigger tank ASAP. In the interm, make sure you are making frequent water changes (I believe you said you were). You also mentioned you have other tanks, can you clear one of those to house one of the oscars alone for a while?
Sure! I'd love to see them, Oscars hold a special spot in my heart. I'll PM you my addy.

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