my indian sucker algae eater thingy


Fish Crazy
Jun 4, 2004
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its at the time of his life where he is a stressy territorial -----. its sucked the eye off of a gouramis and now after looking at my albino catfish its ad a suck a its eye to, its still there but its all red (i think its the algae eater)
what should i do??
none of my mates will have it,
i dont know what to do.
You have to kill it. There are various humane methods for this. One that I recently read (and I'm not sure how well it works) is to place clove oil and water in a bowl. Place the fish in the bowl. He will fall asleep. (they use clove oil in surgeries for them- so I read) Leave him in the bowl for *trying to remember*...I think it was like a half hour, maybe longer. I'd leave him for a good long while. He'll die peacefully.

Or... you can cut the head off quickly with a sharp knife.

In the case of larger fish, some people reccomend putting them in a sack and thumping them hard on the concrete. This has never been my favorite and really only works for big fish.

You really have no other recourse as I see it anyway. These particular fish always do this once they get a little bigger. (in MY experience anyway) Sorry...

Get yourself a nice fish to eat your algae.
Lorelei said:
You have to kill it. There are various humane methods for this. One that I recently read (and I'm not sure how well it works) is to place clove oil and water in a bowl. Place the fish in the bowl. He will fall asleep. (they use clove oil in surgeries for them- so I read) Leave him in the bowl for *trying to remember*...I think it was like a half hour, maybe longer. I'd leave him for a good long while. He'll die peacefully.

Or... you can cut the head off quickly with a sharp knife.

In the case of larger fish, some people reccomend putting them in a sack and thumping them hard on the concrete. This has never been my favorite and really only works for big fish.

You really have no other recourse as I see it anyway. These particular fish always do this once they get a little bigger. (in MY experience anyway) Sorry...

Get yourself a nice fish to eat your algae.
ottos. zebra ottos. small peacful fish
Clove oil works well for euthanising fish. I place some tank water in a fish bag and add quite a few drops of clove oil (available at chemists as a traditional tooth ache cure) then add the fish. Slowly they will drift off to sleep, and you can dispose of the fish still in the bag with the water and clove oil reassured that they wont wake up.

Shame it has come to this, but sometimes it needs to be done :(
Sorry, you are going to kill a fish because it is aggressive?! :crazy:

Do any of you know what euthanasia is and what it actually means? I suggest you look it up in the dictionary and then use the word 'kill' as you should.

If it's the fish I am thinking of, they are known to be aggressive. Is the gourami dead? You should rehome it or give it to your LFS, killing it because it is inconvienent is wrong.

How do you know it's this fish?

Find an alternative.
You could isolate it in a breeder trap until you can rehome it.

Ideally return it to the lfs.

Euthanasia is not right because a fish is aggressive. It should only be used to humanely destroy terminally ill fish.
well i only asked what i could do, euthanasia was NOT an option. but will my lfs take back a 6yr old fish. (england)
They might not give you money for it but they should take it from you. You could try to rehome it, perhaps to someone with other aggressive fish.

I am glad that killing it is not an option for you. I was annoyed at the person who offhandedly suggest it though.
Cheese Specialist said:
I am glad that killing it is not an option for you. I was annoyed at the person who offhandedly suggest it though.
I agree completely
First thing I'd do is isolate the algae eater, and see if the "attacks" stop. That is, might as well make sure you have the correct source of the problem.
Well, you can be annoyed at me if you want to. From his original post it appeared he was at a dead end as to what to do with the fish. Thinking he had no recourse (giving it to LFS etc.) I suggested what I thought was his only option. If it was me, and I had no options and one fish was sucking the eyeballs out of another, I'd kill it immediatly.

Like Spock said...

The good of the many outweigh the needs of the few.
Sorry, I can't take people who quote Spock seriously.

Not to mention the fact that...

It didn't seem to me that the situation was explained fully, we still do not know if the gouramui is dead and how Tednol knows it's this fish. You just cried euthanasia without knowing the fact or the meaning of the word.

Tendol had not mentioned about trying to rehome it other that to friends, get it a tank or give it to a LFS.

Don't worry Lorelei, I'm not annoyed, it's always best to explore the situation a bit before giving advice. Just to fine out the situation fully. It doesn't matter if you suggest something that they've already tried because at least you'll get a fuller picture that way :)

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