Aquatronics Myacin Killed My $100+ Fish


New Member
Jun 16, 2004
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Several weeks ago my 7" Electric Blue (purple) Peacock got a little ruffed up and was pulled from my tank. His injury's were minimal, but due to the high stress, the other fish were starting to pick at him.

I took him to a local fish store (largest in the area), where they were happy to display him in his own isolated tank. A few days in, he had a little tail rot appear on the bottom. I gave the employee who was tending to my fish some Aquatronics Myacin to cure the tail rot. I've heard great things about this product, therefore, I saw no folly in treating with it.

Anyone who has used this product before knows that when poured directly into the tank (as stated in the instructions), it is very chunky and does not dissolve very good. I learned this too late.

The peacock, thinking that it was brine shrimp, ate two of the chunks as they sank. The gentleman at the store quickly removed all other chunks with the net. However, he was too late. Several hours later, the fish was dead. The water was tested and was fine. The fish's colors were vibrant and he was eating.

To find out how harmful this product could be to a fish internally, I call Aquatronics and talked to one of their representatives. She told me that almost undoubtly the ingestion of the Myacin is what killed my precious Electric Blue. It is designed for external use only and is deadly if ingested. Then she told me that since the Myacin capsules are pressurized, the powder usually clumps together. Therefore, you have to crush the Myacin between your fingers, (because the highly compressed chunks won't dessolve in the water). Then to be safe, mix it separately before adding to tank and feed your fish prior.

My question is, how was I supposed to know any of this when nowhere on the packaging does it state the above. Not to mention that it doesn't even state it being harmful if swallowed by the fish. The instructions clearly state "add directly to water".

The gentleman at the Pet store told me I should demand that Aquatronics replace my fish or at least pay me for my loss. But how is a nobody like me supposed to get this done. The Aquatronics representative basically told me, tough luck.

Please let me know what you would do in my shoes. Also, anyone who reads this, be sure to take the above precautions when using Aquatronics capsules. I'm sure their medications work great once dissolved.

Thank you everyone.
Personally, given your story, i would go and see a soliciter (lawyer)
SUE THE B'!?#%S! :D
sue them for animal endangerment and animal cruelty! They make a harmfull product for fish that isn't ment to be injested? WTF (sorry for language) is up with that! It will definatly be injested by it simply breathing! Do what he said. Get a lawyer and sue them for your fishes value. You even have a witness to the tradgety. Get that worker to show up in court and testify.
I think that if you are persistent and tell the rep that you followed the instructions to the letter and that the product was either faulty as it did not mix with the water as stated or the instructions are wrong and the death of the fish was directly related to the fish ingesting the med that you may get somewhere. All you want is the fish replaced and that if you dont get satisfaction from him/her that you intend to pursue this at a higher level until the right thing is done. If you have to mention that you will seek legal advise then do it calmly and not as a threat. If you do say that this is the direction that you will take then make sure you are willing to take it. But i believe that pushing the buttons at the company until you hit the right one will get you what you want. Let's face it, someone this heavily into the industry should be able to get you a new fish for a song, if they want too. You just have to make them want to. Good luck and be calm but demanding.
Hi KrazyTank :)

The last time I was in contact with the folks at Aquatronics, they told me that they had filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. :X After hearing about your problem, it makes me wonder what's going on with them. :dunno:

You might want to try contacting Tom Martino, a consumer advocate who I listen to on the radio. He and his team have pretty good success with helping people deal with this kind of problem. :nod: Here's a link to his website:

Good luck, and whatever you decide, please let us know how things work out. :D
They may be out of business. Here's the response I got:

Aquatronics, Chemaqua, Filtronics are no longer in business from what I understand. I have no idea where or how to locate them or any of their products.

The only phone number I do have for the Escobal's is for their attourney Steven Kramar.

This is all the information I have on finding the Escobals. I don't think the phone works, but the fax does.

If this is true, then who did I talk to the other day when I called?
Good question!! :/

Seem's like they just up and went out of business on ya. That really stinks and I'm so sorry to hear about your fish.
You don't need to go to a lawyer for this. Just write a letter to the company complaining and asking them to reply within 3 wks. If they don't reply go to your local courthouse and file a small claims suit. If you use a lawyer you will end up giving him or her every cent....unless you are talking several thousand dollars a lawyer isn't worth the trouble.

Good luck!
Hi KrazyTank :)

I'm glad to learn that Tom Martino's people responded to you so quickly. I had heard they are good about that, but still, that was very quick.

SusieJG's suggestion sounds like a good idea. Even if they have gone bankrupt, they probably have money or assets to pay debts with.

On the other hand, they may just be avoiding you. When I spoke with them last, I was told that they hoped to come back and sell their products on the internet. Who knows what might have happened to their plans between then and now, but it's worth a try.
Write a letter to the president of the company and state if actions are not immediately taken you will report this to the better business burro stating that products, when followed correctly (in accordance with instruction) provide extremely toxic with result of loss of life of beloved pet. Also that you wish to be compensated for the fish’s retail value and that product information (instructions) shall be changed as soon as possible.

I’m sorry for your loss and thank you for submitting this information online. Please take my advice so other who do not have assess to this forum do not have to suffer as well over a pets death.
You don't need to go to a lawyer for this. Just write a letter to the company complaining and asking them to reply within 3 wks. If they don't reply go to your local courthouse and file a small claims suit. If you use a lawyer you will end up giving him or her every cent....unless you are talking several thousand dollars a lawyer isn't worth the trouble.

Good luck!

I agree 100% with SusieJG
I have had to do similar things with companies in the past and I have always managed to get a replacement/refund.

As Suzie JG said, make sure you give them a deadline to reply by, and if you dont hear anything, write again that you are now filing against them with a small claims court (give details of the court you are using) to show you are serious. That usually gets their attention and gets everything resolved before you actually have to go to court. Might be worth while also telling them that their details and copies of each fo your letters are going to be passed on to a local watchdog/animal cruelty centre etc...

Also remember to keep copies of each letter and obtain a prooof of posting certificate from your postoffice rather than just sticking it into a post box.

Good luck!
If they have filed bankruptcy, you will have to file a claim form with the bankruptcy court.

What you would most likely have to do is go to small claims court. Depending on how the procedures go and assuming they don't show, the judge could rule in your favor. Then, you'd have to take that judgment and file it with the bankruptcy court.

The problem with dealing with a company that's filed bankruptcy is that it means they didn't have enough money, so even when they pay everyone they owe, it's usually just for pennies on the dollar. :/

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