Search results

  1. uGlitch

    Fluval Edge Stocking

    What do you think about this? 1 betta instead of the ember tetras ~10 cherry or ghost shrimp I've heard mixed reviews on how well bettas do in the Edge.
  2. uGlitch

    Fluval Edge Stocking

    Well, I'm back at school, my main tank at home, and I realise I really miss keeping fish! I have a old fluval edge in storage, and its going to take a while to cycle, but I want to get the stocking very clear. I was thinking of this stocking: 5-6 Ember Tetras ~10 Cherry OR Ghost Shrimp I also...
  3. uGlitch

    Sept Totm Comp. Post Your Entries Here

    Thanks! No co2 really...just trace elements biweekly. My plants seem to do fine without the co2 but with decent lighting.
  4. uGlitch

    Sept Totm Comp. Post Your Entries Here

    Here's my go at it this month. Verification from 2 months ago (hope that's alright): ^too lazy to retake a verification. :/
  5. uGlitch

    Sept Totm Comp. Post Your Entries Here plants have been growing out quite nicely recently. May have a go at this month's competition. :P
  6. uGlitch

    Kribensis Eating Habits?

    Ammonia, nitrite, nitrate are good and everyone else is eating like a pig! They've got their own spot behind my driftwood, which is another reason why I don't see them often :/ Any idea why they come out to eat, but just end up spitting everything back out? :no:
  7. uGlitch

    Kribensis Eating Habits?

    I've recently rehomed an angel for a pair of kribensis. The problem is, they won't eat! :/ I've tried feeding them bloodworms, sinking cichlid pellets, veggies, fish flakes, shrimp pellets... They always just pick it up and spit it back out! :no: Any ideas as to what I can try feeding them...
  8. uGlitch

    Old And New :)

    Yea, looks exactly what I saw at my LFS labelled as "umbrella fern". It's not aquatic and I would take it back asap. Some other low light/tech plants you can have in a tank are java ferns, most crypts, most anubias species, elodea, hygrophilas ( i think...i've had them grow like weeds in my tank...
  9. uGlitch

    Old And New :)

    Hi, I'm not too sure, so I'd wait till someone else comes along, but I think that fern is usually labelled as "umbrella fern" in most LFS. It is not a true aquatic plant and will start rotting quickly and pollute your tank. I'd advise you to take it out asap. The plant in the front of the wood...
  10. uGlitch

    Redid My Stocking - Opinions?

    How well would rainbow fish go in my tank? Do they shoal? Or can I keep them as a single specimen? scratch that, a quick google search answered my question :P
  11. uGlitch

    Redid My Stocking - Opinions?

    I've had my angel for about 3 months, so I would say he's about 5 months old. He's grown from being 2" to a bit over 4.5" in length now in the 3 months he's been with me. If my tank is unsuitable for an angel, I don't mind rehoming him. I just need suggestions on a nice centerpiece fish...
  12. uGlitch

    Redid My Stocking - Opinions?

    I've already done my research on the kribs before i got them. I'm just worried they'll spawn as I've got a pair >.< Again, thankyou Willis. Always here for the save. You've helped me numerous times since I've joined this forum. :good: Now I'm debating whether to rehome my angel for the...
  13. uGlitch

    Redid My Stocking - Opinions?

    Sooooooo.....single specimen it is? :P
  14. uGlitch

    Redid My Stocking - Opinions? tank is already quite stocked. Still kinda nervous about my kribs. >.< would there be aggression if I manage to get 2 females? Or just have a single specimen?
  15. uGlitch

    Redid My Stocking - Opinions?

    I don't have any bettas in my tank though. My flow rate is too high for them anyways. that's why I got confused?
  16. uGlitch

    Redid My Stocking - Opinions?

    Bettas and gouramis are both labyrinth fish, yes. What does it have to do with compatability though?
  17. uGlitch

    Redid My Stocking - Opinions?

    I do have sand substrate in my tank. Will probably switch my angel for a gourami. Just a bit frusturated that I made this mistake in the first place as I've done hours of research before stocking. Thanks for all your help guys. :) On a side note, do gouramis need to be kept in groups? Pairs...
  18. uGlitch

    Rehoming My Angel For A Gourami...

    Should they be kept in groups? pairs? trios? or are they solitary fish?
  19. uGlitch

    Rehoming My Angel For A Gourami...

    I have a 33usg tank with the following stocking: 1x angel 2x kribensis 6x otocinclus 6x panda corydoras 12x kuhli loaches 12x harlequin rasboras I'm looking to rehome my angel due to my tank not being tall enough. What kind of gourami would go well with my current stocking? Are gourami...
  20. uGlitch

    Redid My Stocking - Opinions?

    I looked on this forum's gourami profiles: Idk who to trust now, so much contradicting information on the interwebs. :/
  21. uGlitch

    Redid My Stocking - Opinions?

    Honey gourami's look pretty small to be a centerpiece imo. I think they get around 2"? Do gourami's need to be in groups? If not, I saw some pretty decent sized ones that I liked. How would these work in my tank? Banded gourami Opaline gourami Paradise gourami
  22. uGlitch

    Redid My Stocking - Opinions?

    So the best option is to rehome the angel and replace with a gourami? I've heard that gourami's can get quite aggressive. Even worse than most cichlids. Is this true? And what kind of gourami would you suggest as a centerpiece fish?
  23. uGlitch

    Redid My Stocking - Opinions?

    16 inches from the top of substrate to water level. What do you recommend I rehome? I was told by my LFS that kuhli loaches and otocinclus would barely add on to my bioload. My readings are okay every week when I do my water changes (ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate ~20ppm). Is it just an issue...
  24. uGlitch

    Redid My Stocking - Opinions?

    No offense, but I would like to get a second opinion from more experienced members before I do anything. Seeing your other post, you are as inexperienced as me with fishkeeping. (again, no offense). Anyone else have any input?
  25. uGlitch

    Redid My Stocking - Opinions?

    What would you suggest as a centerpiece fish? I got the angels before I really got into fishkeeping. I already rehomed one today and I'm not looking forward to rehoming the other one tbh. (I've had them for so long! >.<) I also got mixed information from different sources saying a 30g would be...
  26. uGlitch

    Redid My Stocking - Opinions?

    1x Angelfish 6x Panda Corydoras 2x Kribensis Cichlids 6x Otocinclus 12x Harlequin Rasboras 12x Kuhli Loaches I think I'm fully stocked if not overstocked. This is in a heavily planted 33usg tank. Just wondering if there are any compatibility issues with this stocking. Hopefully everything will...
  27. uGlitch

    Fish Keep Dying

    How big is your tank? Stats (PH, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate)? Is the tank cycled?
  28. uGlitch

    Cryptocoryne Parva Melt :(

    I ordered them in at the LFS where I work at. Picked them up the day they arrived. What should I be expecting to see during a crypt melt? And how long do they melt for usually?
  29. uGlitch

    Cryptocoryne Parva Melt :(

    I've recently planted my cryptocoryne parvas into my tank. It's now been a couple days now and I start noticing that the leaves are starting to go brown. I'm assuming this is the norm as I've read a lot about plants "melting" due to their transition between their emersed and imersed forms...
  30. uGlitch

    Anyone From The West End Of Canada?

    Specifically in the vancouver/tricity area?
  31. uGlitch

    The July Tank Of The Month Winner Is:.....

    Congrats! Stunning tank. :good:
  32. uGlitch

    Scape Suggestions?

    Thanks! Spent too much time and money on it to have it unsatisfying. Where do you think I could put the cabomba? I was thinking behind the plants on the left...or I could move the swords i have in the middle-back area and have the cabomba there instead. Thoughts?
  33. uGlitch

    Scape Suggestions?

    So I got my plants and did a bit of moving around. Got some cryptocoryne parvas and some barnotelli sp. red? idk if that's the right spelling of it. The other plants were not available...but he said the cambomba should arrive wednesday. What do you think? :) I think I am finally happy with it...
  34. uGlitch

    Scape Suggestions?

    So excited! My plants arrived today. Will go pick them up when I go work. :) Can't wait to play around with my scape again! :D
  35. uGlitch

    So My Heater Overheated...

    Would 10 be a more appropriate number? I have heard from many sources that they will burrow and you will never see them again if kept in a tank with less than 10-12 specimens. Is this true?
  36. uGlitch

    So My Heater Overheated...

    It was a manual adjusting heater. It overheated so bad it melted my sand and burnt it! There is now a black blob stuck onto it. Ahh well, into the trash it goes... Got a new heater today. Hopefully this one will work out better. I have heard many debates as to the requirements for a tank for a...
  37. uGlitch

    So My Heater Overheated...

    33 usg or 125 litres. I thought 6 cories were the minimum for a shoal? I know the more the better, but I saw the kuhli loaches at my LFS and i think i fell in love :wub:
  38. uGlitch

    So My Heater Overheated...

    Current stocking: 2x angelfish 11x harlequins 6x panda cories 6x octocinculus
  39. uGlitch

    So My Heater Overheated...

    I lost 2 panda cories and several harlequins overnight :(... Quite depressing. Thinking of adding ~15 kuhli loaches as replacement. Thoughts? PS. Replacing that darn heater tonight :grr: