Rehoming My Angel For A Gourami...


Fish Fanatic
Sep 9, 2010
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I have a 33usg tank with the following stocking:

1x angel
2x kribensis
6x otocinclus
6x panda corydoras
12x kuhli loaches
12x harlequin rasboras

I'm looking to rehome my angel due to my tank not being tall enough.
What kind of gourami would go well with my current stocking?
Are gourami shoaling fish?

I've looked through this forum's fish profiles and I really like the pearl gourami, opaline gourami, and the banded gourami. Are these gouramis a possibility in my tank?
Should they be kept in groups? pairs? trios? or are they solitary fish?
I don't know much about them tbh mate. But I've only kept them on there own. I did have two but didn't get on well.

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