Scape Suggestions?

That was kinda what I meant, triangle scape.
Thanks for the link Ianho! Really informative.
I know I wasn't supposed to get this out of the link you gave me...but I fell in love the the jungle scapes! :drool:
Any help as to how to transform what I have into a dense jungle will be appreciated :p

This is a picture of the tank as of this morning.
Such vast improvements! Only thing I would do personally is get some slightly longer plants in there on the left side, i.e Vallis, it's now looking a little right sided.
I ordered in some cambomba, rotala rotundifolia, and some more cryptocoryne parvas from a trusted LFS today. Arrival should be this coming friday. :)
If it were me, I would take those red plants and put them right where that knobby part is on the left piece of wood, in the back. That would make a nice focal point.
So excited! My plants arrived today. Will go pick them up when I go work. :)
Can't wait to play around with my scape again! :D
So I got my plants and did a bit of moving around.
Got some cryptocoryne parvas and some barnotelli sp. red? idk if that's the right spelling of it.
The other plants were not available...but he said the cambomba should arrive wednesday.
What do you think? :) I think I am finally happy with it.


I'm thinking of putting the cambomba behind the plants on the left side (I forget the name of the plant! :crazy: ), but suggestions and critiques are always welcome. :good:
Thanks! Spent too much time and money on it to have it unsatisfying.
Where do you think I could put the cabomba? I was thinking behind the plants on the left...or I could move the swords i have in the middle-back area and have the cabomba there instead. Thoughts?

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