Redid My Stocking - Opinions?

I looked on this forum's gourami profiles:

Idk who to trust now, so much contradicting information on the interwebs. :/

Probably best just to wait until someone who keeps gouramis comes along and comments..
Most of what I found was on wiki and on a few other sites I clicked on.
I always check more than one site to see if the info is the same. :/
i dont know if otos and khuli loaches add little to the bio laod

wait for someone else to answer about them adding little or alot to the bio load
As far as your angel, yes the other posters are spot on - - your tank, while number of gallons is "ok", is not sufficient with dimensions.

I have had opaline gouramis in the past with great success. They are quite stunning to look at and should do fine in your tank.
1x Angelfish
6x Panda Corydoras
2x Kribensis Cichlids
6x Otocinclus
12x Harlequin Rasboras
12x Kuhli Loaches

I think I'm fully stocked if not overstocked.
This is in a heavily planted 33usg tank.
Just wondering if there are any compatibility issues with this stocking. Hopefully everything will get along dandy :good:

Hi I think this is a decent stocking to be fair and I would not add anything further to it as there is quite a lot in there already.

With the Angelfish discussion - I would think 16 inches will be fine, given your loaches and cories I would hope you have a sand substrate so just make sure it is deep enough for the Kuhlis to dig around and bury them selves in but not much deeper and the Angels trailers should be fine on sand anyway.

Also the only Angelfish that grow to a foot tall are Altum Angels regular Angels will grow 6 inches tall and in some cases can get a little larger.

If you wanted to swap some fish out to get some Gourami in I think Pearls or Honeys would be your best bet quite a size difference in both but they are the calmest out of the Gourami IME - Opalines are a bit of a nightmare - or at least always have been for me. I dont think that Gourami are worse than most Cichlids but they can be problematic at times.

Hope thats helped
I think it's alright, get-away-with-able. Not ideal for the angel, IMO, but you could probably push it. That's just me. I'm a bit biased about the angels. -_-

As Wills said I'm assuming you've got sand? Sand is much better on trailing fins than gravel. Plus with kuhlis you probably want about an inch of sand, no more, which will give more swimming room as most people have 2-3 inch of substrate...

do they add alot to the bio load (khuli loaches and otos)
Not as much as other fish, no, I don't think so. Khulis are like giant worms! :lol:
do they add alot to the bio load (khuli loaches and otos)

Not as individuals but as a group of 12 the Khulis will create a measurable volume of waste - same for the ottos individually their waste could be slim but a group of 6 is going to make a difference.

Angels are a foot tall.. Altums are 15+ inches tall..

Personally, when I researched angelfish more, I think a tank with less than 3x their full grown height would be cruel to keep them in. Since they swim more up and down.. But that's just me..
I do have sand substrate in my tank. Will probably switch my angel for a gourami.
Just a bit frusturated that I made this mistake in the first place as I've done hours of research before stocking.
Thanks for all your help guys. :)

On a side note, do gouramis need to be kept in groups? Pairs? Trios?
No one is really active in the gourami section...
was looking at the pearls. Really beautiful looking fish. :)
Bettas and gouramis are both labyrinth fish, yes.
What does it have to do with compatability though?
bettas and gourami will fight to the death because they are in the same family. :p
I don't have any bettas in my tank though. My flow rate is too high for them anyways.
that's why I got confused?
Actually Shykitty, no

it is often recommend to keep gourami's in trios of a male with two females.

Just because they are both labyrinth fish does not mean they have the same levels of aggression.

That is like lumping Cichlids under one level of aggression simply because they are all Cichlids - - there are many varying levels of aggression between species.

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