Fish Keep Dying


Fish Fanatic
Mar 27, 2011
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My freshwater tank has been running for about 2 months now. I have some Australian rainbow fish, neons, pleco, ram, 2 guppies, and a lemon tetra. I buy a fish (school of fish) and they start to die off. I bought 10 neon tetra and now i only have 3. i dont know whats happening. I may be introducing fish to my tank to fast. Any ideas? - thanks
How big is your tank?
Stats (PH, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate)?
Is the tank cycled?
This is the same thing that happend to MY school of neons too! and i have read another post about the same problem as well... But i do remember reading about something called "neon disease" or somthing like that but that was long after i took apart my neon tank... RIP neons :-(
I have found this about a disease with no cure that may have killed your fish, do any of your fish have these Symptoms? -
my guess is you didnt cycle the tank, read the beginners resource forum for tank cycling and you will probably want to slap yourself and then do it the right way ;) I very much doubt you have to worry about any fish diseases at this stage.
How big is your tank?
Stats (PH, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate)?
Is the tank cycled?
Yes the tank is cycled.
those are the two things that are off.
My LFS says the hardness is totally fine?
Thanks :)

This is the same thing that happend to MY school of neons too! and i have read another post about the same problem as well... But i do remember reading about something called "neon disease" or somthing like that but that was long after i took apart my neon tank... RIP neons :-(
Yeah thats a bummer! Im down to no neons as of today!

my guess is you didnt cycle the tank, read the beginners resource forum for tank cycling and you will probably want to slap yourself and then do it the right way ;) I very much doubt you have to worry about any fish diseases at this stage.
well i let the tank cycle for about a month with plants and drift wood? SO i dont think thats the issue

I have found this about a disease with no cure that may have killed your fish, do any of your fish have these Symptoms? -
No the fish are totally fine. I just loose a few every few days
well i let the tank cycle for about a month with plants and drift wood? SO i dont think thats the issue

Welcome to the forum.

Unfortunately though, that is precisely the issue. You were asked for ammonia stats, and you didn't provide any. That would imply that you don't know, and that you haven't actually cycled your tank. Letting the tank run with all the equipment running is very different from "cycling" the tank. When cycling, you need a source of ammonia to emulate the waste produced by fish and gives the bacterial colonies a chance to grow to meet the demands of your future fish.

In my sig you will find a link both a fishless and fish-in cycle. You are almost assuredly in the midst of a fish-in cycle at this point. Read through that article, get yourself an ammonia and nitrite test kit. These are the two primary poisons for your fish. You need to complete massive water changes to keep those levels below 0.25ppm for both!

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